Chapter 1: Us? Siblings? No way.

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Angel's POV

It was the summer of '12 at San Francisco, California when i saw ,my USED to be best friend,Liam came up to my porch. Knocking as hard as he can. Since it had been a week since i hadn't talked to him.

"Why haven't you answered my texts and calls?!"

"Aren't you suppose to go to the park with Elizabeth?"

(Elizabeth was his girlfriend that he'd been hanging out this past few days.)

"I don't care! I just want to know why you've been ignoring me!"

"Why do you care?"

"Just tell me!"

"I don't have time to waste. i have to go."

I was about to go inside my house until i felt a warm and comfortable hug. I pushed him wanting to go inside the house..crying. I missed those comforting hugs, sweet conversations. I slammed the door and ran to my room. Good thing my parents weren't home because they would be freaking out! I jumped on my bed bawling when i heard a sweet, cleared voice that ran through my ears. I peeked through my window and saw Liam holding a guitar singing. I felt my heart beat, beating as fast as it can. Like the world would end. I finally gave up and let him in.

"Now, would you tell me?" 

"Liam, i..."

(I stopped when i saw a note on the coffee table.)

It says;

               Dear Angel,

                        This is your mom. I wanted to tell you something important. Meet me at Starbucks @10.

I stared at the note suspiciously. I haven't had notes from my mom in a long time since they had a divorce. Looking at the time which was 9:45.

"Angel? Is there something wrong?"

"Uhh, would you drive  me to Starbucks? My mom and I just have something to talk about.."

"Sure thing, love."

When we were driving to Starbucks there was awkwardness filling throughout the car so i turned on some music. "My heartss a stereeoo.." Seconds later me and Liam started singing along to it. God he has a beautiful voice.

When Liam parked in the sidewalk, I saw my mom sitting inside with a cup of coffee. As usual she picked her "own" spot. When we walked in my mom gave Liam the looks saying "Can you give us some privacy?" Suddenly, Liam just opens his car and listened to music.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"It's better if you sit down honey."

(I started getting nervous and goosebumps went up my arms.)

"Honey, you and Liam are siblings."

I Hate How I Love You (One Direction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt