Chapter 26: A New Beginning

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*2 years passed*


"Mom! I'm all packed! What times the flight again?"

"It's currently 7:00 p.m.. So 2 more hours and your good to go!"

"Can I go there early? Eric's waiting for me."

"Okay, Have a nice trip to London!"

"Okay! I'll meet you in 2 months! Love you!" I shouted while struggling to get my luggage into the trunk. I'm about to go to the airport and meet Eric. Yes, i did say Eric. Believe it or not but we became close through the times we were together. He stayed by my side when I went to Korea. While Liam went off to his career. I broke up with him knowing he will not be by my side. 


"Angel, our flight is in 3 hours.. i think we should get going now.." My mom rattled on and on about us being late for our flight. The fact that I can't handle was Liam leaving me just like that. He just broke up with me in a snap. No explanation or anything!

"Hello?" I heard someone say.. I opened my eyes to see who it was but it was blurry because of the tears i've been crying.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"It's me Liam." I paused at the name I just heard. Liam? Why...Why would he come right now and has the courage to come here?

"And you seriously have the strength to come here after breaking up with me. No explanation. No nothing! So, fuck you!"

"Look, Angel i know you have all the reasons to get mad but-"

"Yes, yes i do have the reasons to get mad! Do you want me to name all of them? You were my first love and my first heartbreak. You made me think that you really did love me. But you know what? This is all just a fucking dream. Get out." I tried to fight my tears but it didn't work. 

"Angel, hear me out just for-"

"I said get out!" Right after he got out my mom walked over to me and hugged me. 


With that we never saw each other. I admit.. I didn't get over him until a few months ago. I mean it's hard once it hits you. But now? I've moved on and Eric's my boyfriend and he's all that i ever wanted. 

I paid the cab driver and headed towards the airport. There I saw a guy wearing a beige blazer with no sleeve, grey shirt and blue jeans. There he was, my Eric.

"Eric!" I waved and jumped for him to notice me.

"Angel! You came. Do you want to eat lunch?" He whispered while hugging me from the back.

"Lunch would be lovely! I'm starving."

We both walked hand in hand towards an italian restaurant. There I saw was the least person I wanted to see. Liam. As in Liam Payne. The one from One Direction that's still famous until now. Great just great. 

"Hey uhm, Eric.. Do you want to eat somewhere else? I'm not really in the mood for Italian food right now.."

"Okay, let's find somewhere else to eat!"

Right when we started to walk off I heard someone say my name. 


While me and the lads have a great time at the Italian restaurant I spotted someone that i haven't seen in a long time.

"Is that... Angel?" When the lads heard what I said they looked into my direction, yes even Liam, and saw their mouths drop into a shape of a circle.

I instantly ran to her and grabbed her wrist. "Angel? Is that you?" She looked at me and right then I was sure it was her. She even got prettier. Wait. Why am I saying this!? Niall, wake up.

"Niall? Oh my gosh! I've missed you so much!" Hearing her sweet angelic voice was amazing. It was my cue to give her a friendly hug. But the boys followed and also asked how she was. Except for Liam. About him, he's been forced to go out with Danielle for publicity. Stupid ey? But he agreed to it since he wanted to get over Angel. Unfortunately, it didn't quite work. He changed. He came back to the old daddy d that's all serious and the one who sticks to what's planned. 

"Why are you guys here anyways?" 

"We're going to London for a break from all this!" Louis answered while eating carrots that was given by a fan on the way here.

"Eww, Louis! Don't talk while eating!"

"Yes Mommy Direction."

We all looked up realizing what he has said. I elbowed him making him feel bad.

"Uhm, well anyways we'll meet you in the plane! We're just off to get something to eat. See you later!" She waved at us and was able to caught up to Eric. I'm guessing they're together now. 

I looked around for Liam but he wasn't with us. After a few minutes searching the whole airport, I spotted him. He was sitting at one of the benches. A perfect time to look at the sky. 

"Hey, bud. You okay?" He shook his head.

"I've lost her once. I'm not going to make that happen once again. She was once mine and always will be." was all I heard form him. Well, this trip is going to be interesting. 

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