Chapter 10

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Song: I want to break free from Queen

We were back in the bunker Dean was out for a beer run, Sam was reading The Game of Thrones books while I was on the phone with my dad. "So you're save now aren't you?"
"Yes dad I'm fine". "They promised me to keep your save, and still you almost died."
"But I didn't die dad."
"But you could have" he replied. "Dad I love you, but I have to go now it's my turn to cook."
"Okay, stay save sweetheart, I love you" he said before hanging up. Sam looked up from his book "It is Dean his turn to cook" he replied.
"I know, but I needed an excuse to hang up since my dad wouldn't shut up about how I almost died". "So you lie to the king of hell". "Yep" I say popping the p. He closed his book and gestured to the chair next to him to sit. I walked over and sat "What is it?"
"What was that with Dean yesterday?" A blush came visible on my cheeks. "You like him , don't you" Sam asked me.
"Maybe a little bit" I say. A wide smile spread on his face "OMG I totally ship you guys" he says letting his inner fangirl out.
"Woooooh hold on Moose" he doesn't like me that way.
"Do you really think that"? I nodded. "How do you know for sure"? he says to me. I shrugged "I just know."
"Well I think you're wrong" he replied.
"Why do you think that" I ask him with hope.
"Believe me I know my brother" he said winking at me.
"I'm back bitches" Dean says walking down the stairs.
"Did you bring any vegetables with you" Sam asks him.
"No I don't like that rabbit food" he replied. "Dean did you at least bring fruit" I asks him. he threw me a bag of apples. I got one out and gave it to Sam "Next time I will get the groceries" I say. he took a bite of his apple and nodded his head before he walked to his room.
"Dude I got pie" Dean yelled after Sam.
"JERK" Sam yelled back at Dean.
"Bitch" Dean replied. I chuckled. "What are you laughing about" Dean says walking towards me. "Nothing". He watched me an leaned forward "You're lying" he whispers in my ear.
"Maybe I was maybe I wasn't" I say putting my arms around his neck. He got a smirk on his face "if you want me, you should just ask" he says in my ear. I felt a shiver go down my spine and all my senses were heightened.
"Here I will tell you a secret" I say. I pulled his face closer to me before I turned my head to whisper in his ear "I'm going to take a shower ..........naked" I say trying to sound seductive "Alone". I felt his hands travel down my waist. I pushed him back and walked away swinging with my hips for the effect.
"I forgot my book, Dude I think you have a little problem down there" Sam says coming into the room again. Dean groaned and walked away , I just laughed and walked to the shower.

I got out of the shower and looked at myself in the mirror while brushing my teeth. I saw something standing behind me in the mirror, I directly turned around to see that nobody was standing there. I raised my eyebrow and looked in the mirror again to still see someone there standing I recognised the person as my mother.
"You killed me" she said.
"No I didn't " I say frightend.
"you were the cause of it".
"You're not really here" I say. Suddenly Isabel joined her "Ofcourse not we're in your head there is only one way to get rid of us" she replied.
"Your forgiveness" I say.
"No yours" she said before disappearing again taking my mother with me.
" I don't get it" I mumble. I quickly put on some clothes and ran to Sam and Dean "I need your help boys".
"With what" Dean asks worried.
"well I hear this voices in my head from my mother and Isabel telling me that it was my fault that they died".
"It wasn't your fault" Dean said.
"But something strange happened just now, I saw them again but this time Isabel told me that the only way to get rid of them I my forgiveness" I say.
"You don't get I do you" Sam asked me. "What"?
"You have to forgive yourself first" he replied.
"But I don't know how" I say.
" Ally listen to me, it wasn't your fault their deaths you need to believe in that, because it wasn't" Dean says. Suddenly I saw my mother and Isabel standing next to the boys.
"You killed us" My mom said. I shake my head "No it wasn't my fault" I say looking at her "And I'm sorry for what happened to you guys, it never was my intention to hurt you". Dean and Sam looked weirdly at me.
"We know" my mom says.
"we forgive you" Isabel says. I felt the tears roll down my cheek "That's all I needed to hear to forgive myself" I tell them. They smiled at me before vanishing.
"Ally you Okay" Dean asks me. I wiped my tears away " yeah, they're gone" I say smiling.

They looked at me proudly. "Good job" Sam says walking over to me and hugging me. "But now I'm going to bed" he says before kissing my forehead, leaving me and Dean alone.
"You shouldn't have beaten yourself up about that" he tells me.
"I know that now" I say to him.
"it's late we should go to bed " he replied.
"I agree, goodnight Dean". I say before walking to my room.

When I was lying in bed my Mother and Isabel didn't came back to haunt me, but I still couldn't sleep that night. So I got out of bed and made my way over to Dean his room. I carefully opened the door to see him asleep on his stomach with one hand under his pillow where he keeps one of his weapons. I walked over to him and crawled with him in bed. He moved a little to give me some space. I laid down and watched him he looked so peaceful when he was asleep. I gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. I saw his lip go up in a smile. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. I felt electric shocks going through my body from where his hand touched me. "good night Dean" I tell him before closing my eyes. I was so fast asleep that I didn't hear Dean reply "Sleep well Ally".

Hey guys,
Thank you for the 100 reads. It means a lot to me. Keep reading , voting, commenting and above all I hope you enjoy this story.


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