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Pacifica knew it was wrong, she knew that she shouldn't be here, visiting him. But, she felt that she had to, for her sake and his. Taking a deep breath, she stepped into the building and let the surroundings take her in.

Briarcliff didn't look like a bad place, there were patients playing checkers, listening to music, playing the piano. She thought he would be over there, but she couldn't see him. It was odd, if everyone was here, why wasn't he? Did he get moved to a different metal institution?

"Are you Pacifica?" A nun asked her.

Pacifica nodded slowly, "I'm here to see-"

"We know," she interrupted. "Mary Eunice is with him." The nun led Pacifica down a dark hall and Pacifica knew something was wrong. She gulped as they walked down the hall labeled as 'Solitary Confinement'. "He's right down the hall." The nun instructed and she turned on her heel and left.

* * *

The room was dark, and Pacifica felt shivers racing down her spine as she turned on a flashlight. She turned to see where he was, but she couldn't see him anywhere. Pacifica heard a scratching sound coming from one of the corners, farthest away from her. She aimed her flashlight in that direction and saw him. Sitting there, hunched over, scratching something onto the floor. Pacifica could just see what he was drawing. It was a circle, with a star in the middle.

He didn't make any moves, he just sat there, but at least he stopped what he was doing. "Well well well, what do you know," he paused to grin statistically, "Pacifica Southeast, here to visit me in my lowly prison." He laughed maniacally. "To what do I owe this pleasure?" He stood up slowly and Pacifica instantly gasped. He was dressed in a straitjacket, and he looked almost exhausted.

"I came to see how you were holding up," Pacifica lied. She could not tell Dipper the real reason she was there. "People usually go insane in here." She explained quietly.

Dipper laughed again, "well you already thought I was insane, so by staying here, I'll become sane." He laughed once more before becoming stone cold.

"Dipper?" Pacifica asked, taking a step towards him. "Are you alright? If this is exorcism, I can take this evil demon out of you." She said, hoping a part of Dipper was still there.

Dipper looked down at the floor before collapsing onto it. Pacifica ran toward him and caught his head before it hit the ground. Dipper looked up at her with his innocent blue eyes, and Pacifica felt her heart shatter into a million pieces. Tears collected in his eyes and they started pouring down his face. "H-help me," he choked out. "Please Pacifica. . .I can't take it anymore!" He cried. His eyes suddenly turned black and his expression was harsh. "Shut up!" The ----must of been a demon or the devil---- shouted at what was left of Dipper's soul. "Shut up you worthless creature!" The thing that was holding Dipper's soul hostage smoothed out it's expression and looked at Pacifica. "He likes it here." It lied.

"That's a lie!" Pacifica shouted. "Let Dipper go!"

It chuckled but then looked extremely exhausted, like the little piece of soul that was left of Dipper, was about to give up. "P-please Pazzie," Pacifica winced at the sound of her nickname, she knew that Dipper was still there. "I'm so tired of. . .f-fighting." He cried out in pain, "you have to. . .have t-to. . ." He trailed off, looking away from Pacifica.

"I have to what?" Pacifica asked frantically, "tell me what to do Dipper and I will do it." She promised.

"Y-you have to k-kill me." He whispered, he looked like a lost child, and it made Pacifica heart ache. But more so, when he said that she had to kill him.

Pacifica couldn't speak, she choked on her words. Dipper looked at her with hope, and Pacifica couldn't deny him what he wanted. "I," she said.

To be continued~

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