Without Magic?

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This was requested by Rev-Paz and I really hope you enjoy this one!! I told you I am a fast typer!

"So why'd you come over? It's a long haul from the Shack to here especially in the snow," Dipper commented while looking at Pacifica's snow covered boots.

"Look Dipper," Pacifica sighed, "Christmas is almost here and I wanted to do something with you."

He raised an eyebrow, "oh really? What might that be?" He wiggled his eyebrows in attempt to be seductive, and it almost worked.

"Not that, you dummy." Pacifica rolled her eyes. "I wanna make Christmas cookies."

"Done and done," Dipper snapped his fingers, and a plate of Christmas cookies appeared on the counter. "See? Easy."

"No, Dipper." She took his hands in hers. "I mean us make cookies."

"Us?" He asked, "like you use my amulet?"

"No," she rolled her eyes in a teasing manner. "I mean, without magic."

"Without Magic?!" Dipper almost gasped.

Pacifica nodded. "Yes."


"Nope nope nope nope nope nope," Dipper was in the process of pushing Pacifica to the door ignoring her protests. "Take your shoes, and the cookies," he handed her a plate of Christmas cookies, "and go home."

"Dipper!" Pacifica exclaimed. "Please do this for me,"

Dipper tried to ignore the puppy eyes Pacifica was currently making. "No." He finally said, hoping she'd take the hint about how he felt about not using magic.

"Please?" She asked, "I'll do something that's uncomfortable for me if you do this!"

"Uncomfortable how?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Not that!"

"Aw....damn." Dipper frowned.

"But. . . .we can do something together..?" She asked, hoping he'd take this deal.

"...I get to pick and we've got a deal." He finally mumbled.

"Alright." Pacifica finally gave in. She really wanted to spend her Christmas with Dipper and she wanted it to be perfect. "C'mon, let's get everything ready!"


"PAZZIE!!!" Pacifica heard Dipper yell from the kitchen.

"What's wrong?!" Pacifica asked, walking into the kitchen in a fast pace.

"It spilled on my new shirt!" He explained, showing her his-now flour covered-shirt.

Pacifica held back her laughter, but it didn't last long. She burst out laughing and Dipper stared at her in shock. "How are you laughing at something as catastrophic as this!"

"You're funny, Dipper." Pacifica shook her head and took the rest of dough from the bowl and put it on the cutting board. "You have cookie cutters?"

"Probably." He replied.

"Well I brought my own!" Pacifica smiled brightly, and took many different cookie cutters out of a plastic bag.

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