Yan-Chan Dipper

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‹Crazy Oneshot› requested by Mabel--Pines and Watari-Kousei hope y'all enjoy!

Dipper watched silently as he saw his Pacifica talking with another guy. It made his blood boil to know that she would be talking to anyone but him. He heard footsteps behind him, and he turned to see his twin sister, Mabel, with a smug smile on her face. "Instead of watching her from afar like an insane stalker, how about you go and talk to her." Mabel commented with a shitty grin on her face, making Dipper frown.

"Oh please," he rolled his eyes. "Like I'd do that."

"Wimp." Mabel sneered.

"I am no such thing, I'm just," he paused, looking for the right word and keeping an eye on the guy talking to Pacifica, "waiting."

Mabel snorted, "for what? Your balls to drop?"

"Shut up, Mabel.' Dipper rolled his eyes and hoped that his sister wouldn't say that ever again. "I'm just waiting for the right opportunity."

"What, so you can kill the guy?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Don't say that out loud." Dipper warned, in a lower tone. "I want it to be a surprise."

This made Mabel look up. "Oh, and may I help you with this surprise?"

"Of course, dearest sister," Dipper smiled coldly, "I think I'll need your help."


Mabel closed and locked the basement door before click clacking down the stairs into their soundproof basement. She walked over to where Dipper had laid out their victim. "Has he awoken yet, brother dear?"

Dipper turned away from the closet as he put on his pearl white lab coat. "Unfortunately, he has not."

"Aw what a shame." Mabel walked over to where she had hung up her lab coat after their previous victim. "It's no fun when they sleep through the torture."

Dipper chuckled. "This'll teach him. This'll teach him to stay away from my Pacifica."

"And I like torturing people, we're both getting what we want!" Mabel clasped her hands together and smiled cruelly at her brother. "Ah I love when we get along, Dipper."

"As do I." Dipper smirked. "Now, get the shot." He signalled to the other table across from them where he had laid out all their equipment. Mabel nodded abruptly and walked over to the table where everything was. She smirked, "my my, I didn't think we'd use the rusty dagger."

Dipper felt a grin appear on his face, "found it in the attic, rusty and dull."

"How wonderful." Mabel snatched it up and the shot. She walked briskly over to her brother and handed him the shot. "Here we are, brother mine."

He snatched the shot from her hand and smirked, "wonderful." He quickly put the tip of the shot to the guy's neck and injected it into him. "Now will you take care of the rest?" He asked Mabel.

Mabel smiled like a barracuda. "Of course brother."

Dipper handed her everything she could possibly need, "now I have to pay a visit to my sweetheart." But before he took off his lab coat, he snatched the rusty knife from Mabel and made a little cut on the guy's throat.


Dipper found Pacifica waiting by the fountain near the school, obviously waiting for whoever that guy was. He felt a smirk appear on his lips as he walked swiftly over to her. "Why hello, dearest Pacifica." He said drapping an arm around her shoulders. "Fancy seeing you here."

Pacifica heaved a sigh, "what do you want, Gleeful."

"I just wanted to see my girl." Dipper murmured, sitting next to her.

"I'm not your girl, in fact, I'm with someone else." She turned away from him.

Not anymore, Dipper thought. "What's his name?"

"His name's-"

"Daniel, right?" Dipper interrupted. "He said he wanted to break up with you."

"W-what?" Pacifica asked, finally turning to face him. "He said that?"

Dipper nodded, this is easier than I had planned. "You want me to get you something?"

"No, Dipper." Pacifica sighed. "Why are you lying to me?!"

"I'm not!" Dipper lied. "I wanna protect you."

"Protect me?! From what?" She asked, eyes blazing.

"Everything!" He shouted. "I love you."

"......I'm sorry Dipper, but I think you're a bloody psychopath!" Pacifica grabbed her coat and quickly stood up. But before she got far, Dipper lunged forward and grabbed her wrist. "Let go of me!" Pacifica shouted, trying to kick him where the sun doesn't shine. Dipper pulled her to his chest. Pacifica tried to scream but Dipper clamped his hand on her mouth. "Shh." Dipper said, while he ran his hands through her hair. "It's going to be okay, just be quiet." Pacifica kicked and screamed but it was muffled. Dipper was getting annoyed by her screams and thought of how he could shut her up. But before he could, she broke free from his grasp and attempted to run from him, shouting for help.


Pacifica ran through the woods, tears streaming down her face as she tried to get to the Mystery Shack. She tripped over a log on the ground and tumbled into something, or someone. Someone helped Pacifica up, and she cried. "He's trying to kill me!" She leaned her head on the person's chest, "I need help."

The man chuckled and Pacifica's eyes widened. She looked up and saw Dipper smirking at her. "I would never kill you, Pacifica, I love you, remember?"

Before Pacifica could run or scream, Dipper snapped his fingers and Pacifica's vision became blurry. She fell to the ground and looked up at him. He chuckled, "I guess this is the only way." Pacifica closed her eyes and fell into a deep slumber. Dipper chuckled and picked up the sleeping Pacifica. "I told you I'd protect you, this is the only way." He murmured, as he headed back to Gleeful Manor.

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