We Will Meet Again

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This is for the lot of you who wanted a part two for my Vampire and Monster Hunter oneshot. I hope you enjoy!

"Drive the stake in his heart!" Priscilla yelled to her daughter, pleading that the vampire wouldn't awaken.

Pacifica took a deep breath and lifted the coffin lid, to make her parents proud of her. She covered her mouth with a hand and took a step back. The vampire laying in the coffin, was none other than Dipper Gleeful. How am I gonna do this? She thought, as she looked down at him. He was sleeping peacefully, eyes closed, shallow breathing. "I can't." Pacifica murmured.

Her mother and father gave her a confused look as she dropped the wooden stake. "What are you talking about?" Her mother asked, "it's easy."

"No, you don't understand!" Pacifica said, exasperated. "I love him." She whispered and felt tears fall down her face.

"You what?!" Preston Southeast exclaimed. "No no no."

"I'm sorry, father." Pacifica looked down. "I just can't kill him. He stole my heart."

"Oh I knew you had feelings for me." The voice startled the Southeast family as Dipper Gleeful sat up in his coffin and yawned. "I was sleeping, if you are going to kill me, do it quietly."

Pacifica turned towards Dipper and hugged him, forgetting how cold he was and that her parents were watching. "I can't kill you, Dipper." She whispered.

"Then join me." He replied.

She let her arms drop to her side and she took a step back. "What do. . . .you mean?" She asked.

Dipper stepped out of his coffin with ease. "You know exactly what I mean, sweetheart." He walked towards her and Pacifica felt trapped. Sure she loved Dipper but enough to turn into. . . .one of him? "You can't refuse this."

Pacifica bit her lip and looked from her parents, to Dipper. She didn't know what to pick. She wanted her parents to be proud of her but she didn't want to kill Dipper. Her parents already had the look of disappointment on their faces and she felt bad. Pacifica was always brought up to hate monsters and be the best monster hunter ever. She accidentally let one monster into her heart and he took it from her. Dipper had the look of, hopefulness on his face. She wondered if he really expected her to change. Finally deciding what to do, she turned back to her parents and sighed, "mother, father? I hope you'll understand my choice." She turned away from them and back to Dipper. "Dipper, I love you and I am willing to change for you."

Dipper felt a smirk appear on his face. "I knew you'd come to your senses." Pacifica gulped and he could tell that she was nervous. "Don't worry, it'll only hurt for a second." He assured her. She nodded and he advanced towards her. Pacifica worried about how much it would hurt that she didn't realize that he came up behind her and slowly inserted his fangs in her neck. He was right, it hurt for a second and Pacifica felt like she was about to pass out, she felt dizzy and uncoordinated. Her vision got blurred and Dipper realized it was enough. He stepped away from her and she almost collapsed to the ground. But he quickly caught her before she hit the ground. "See? Now no one can separate us." Even though he knew Pacifica was dazed he knew she could still hear him. "And now that I drank your blood," a smug smirk tugged on the corners of his lips, "you're mine."


Was that okay? I hope so!!! I know I haven't updated in forever and I have no excuse! I've been putting it off and I apologize! Also, if you're going to request something, please request on the newest update! It would help me so much, thanks and have a good night!

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