Part 13

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Louis was walking into the cafeteria, taking a seat at his usual table and setting out his food. Louis then felt the table move slightly forward in his direction. He looked up and was filled with fear. Being greeted by Brad is the last thing he expected.

"So you're on your own, hey little omega?" Brads voice low and raspy, it only made Louis shiver. "N-no I-I'm not. M-m-my friends will b-be here soon." Louis mentally cursed at himself. 'Way to seem fearless' he thought. Though it was incredibly difficult to push aside fear at moment where they overtake your whole body.
"Oh really? 'Cause I don't see anyone comin'." Brad smirked and shuffled closer to where Louis was seated. "You know, every since I smelt you Louis, I can't stop thinking about you. You smell so amazing. Louis gulped and tried to stay as calm as he could. Brad leant down and whispered into the omegas ear; "I will have you, pretty omega. I'm gonna fuck that sexy ass of yours boy, I'll fill you with my knot and you'll take it like the bitch you are. And no one is gonna be there to save you next time." With that he took a big whiff of Louis's scent and he strutted off, leaving a frightened Louis shaking in his seat.


Liam and Niall were first to arrive at he table. "N-Niall, would you g-go with me to the l-l-library?" Louis barely got out his words and he knew he didn't do well and masking his distress. "Yeah Louis, of course" Niall's eyebrows furrowed as he look at Liam, who just looked as worried and clueless as Niall.

Louis grabbed Niall's wrist and bolted out of that cafeteria. When they got to the library, Louis mocked browsing the shelves, but Niall wasn't buying it. He took his friend hand and guided him towards some seats and sat them both down. "Louis whats happened to get you like this?" Niall searched Louis eyes for answers, because Louis wasn't seeming to be as open as to give them to Niall willingly. Louis stared into his lap, where his hands lay, just fiddling with his fingers. "You can trust me" Niall placed his hand over Louis'.

Louis knew he had to tell someone, so he took on a deep breath and look up at Niall who looked genuinely worried. Louis knew he could trust the fellow omega.

He took another deep breath, composing himself and trying to calm his stutter. "Brad. He came up to me at the table because I was sitting alone. He told me he's going to get me alone, a-and, and he said-" Louis began to tear up.
"Louis. Stop. I don't need to hear anymore. I'm so sorry Lou." Niall pulled Louis into an embrace and held him tightly letting Louis's tears seep into his shirt.

"Louis... I think you should tell Harry." Niall suggested gently and Louis's head snapped up "Niall I don't think that's the best idea. He'll get angry at me Niall. I don't want to lose Harry." Louis pleaded. "Louis, that's where you're wrong. Harry will want to protect you, he cared a lot about you Louis. He wouldn't want you to have to deal with this on your own." Niall reassures the smaller boy.


Harry got to the table only minutes after Zayn. "Where's Louis?" He asked taking his seat. "Oh, he and Niall went to the library, they've been gone 10 minutes." Liam chirped. "Oh I hope they're ok?" Harry more asked them stated. "Well, Louis seemed a little shaken up, but I'm sure Niall's taking care of him." Liam answered. "I'm giving them 5 minutes, then I'm going to look for my Louis."
Harry spend the next five minutes looking from the clock to the doors of the cafeteria. As soon as it hit the five mark, Harry stood and started pacing towards the library with Liam hot on his trail.

The two alphas entered the library. Harry sniffed the air and caught the scent of his disturbed omega and his chest tightened as he quickened his pace towards his omega.
Louis and Niall were sitting and talking when they turned their heads and saw their omegas Louis felt more nervous the relieved to see Harry trotting toward him. "Tell him." Niall whispered in Louis ear encouragingly as he walked over to Liam. Harry took Niall's place and pulled his omega into an embraced.

"Louis, baby, what happened?" Harry asked stroking Louis cheek gently, "Harry, don't get mad, I didn't know he was there-" "what? Who, who was there?! Louis what's going on?!" Harry grew irritated. "Just let the boy speak for gods sake!" Liam huffed. Louis would have to remember to thank him later. "Harry. I was sitting by myself at our table and brad came over-" Louis saw Harry physically stiffen and his fists clenched. "-he told me that... he told me that he'd get me alone and no one would save me next time. He said he'd knot me  and I'm just really scared.." Louis looked up and Harry who was clenching his jaw and had his eyes shut. Louis places his tiny hand over Harry's large clenched fist and Harry looked into his omegas eyes, and no matter how infuriated he was, Louis's feelings were more important right now, he's omega was being threatened by another alpha, and Harry wanted to kill that son of a-. But he had to calm himself, the most important thing at this moment was to protect Louis.


Harry walked Louis to his next class. He was on his way to his own class when, as lucky would have it, he saw Brad walking in the direction Harry was coming from. He waiting until he was in closer proximity of the other alpha. When Brad came into alignment with Harry, he swiftly grabbed him by his collar and slammed him against the lockers. "Now I'm only going to warn you this once. If you ever, EVER! Come near MY omega again. So help me I will rip you to shreds. And I'll enjoy doing it." Harry growled lowly and sternly into brads face, which was covered with surprise at Harry's actions.

"Hey! You two. Stop that immediately!" A teacher in the distance yelled as she quickened her pace to reach the alphas. "You're god damn lucky this time Brad." Harry spat releasing the large alpha who he hadn't realised he'd lifted off the ground until he dropped back on to it when he was released. Though Harry couldn't help himself. She yet again slammed Brad into the locker one last time. "Watch your back" he growled as he walked away before the teacher could reach them.

Side Note:
I really love possessive Harry. 😍🔥

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