Chapter 4 - Brice learns about the internment

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The first few days after arrival Brice had Stars on his lap most of the time. It had been her first pup and she was hurting badly. He didn't blame her since he was greatly upset as well. It was one of his children and that was all that mattered. It didn't matter there were thirteen more, only that the pack had lost a child.

Silvery was stroking her back and giving her as much comfort as well. She was quietly singing to her as the rest of the pack cycled through. Some of the women had older pups already and they understood. It wasn't just the loss of her pup but all the fears and hopes of knowing you were pregnant. Hopes the baby would be delivered, fears of losing the pup, worry about being a good parent, even what will my pup be like when he or she are grown. Right now, she was trying to deal with what had happened.

Brice had sent a message to her family informing them of what happened and requested a visit. If needed he would pay for it but until he knew what sort of funds the pack was starting with he had to be careful, *Just remember Stars, we are here for you. We are all feeling your agony and we'll be here to support you as long as needed. We love and care for you.*

*I know Brice but it hurts so much. I was looking forward to seeing our pup. I wanted my family to see him. I was going to invite them to the pack house for a visit. Now I can't. All I have of him is the scans. I don't know how to handle this.* She wasn't crying right now but everyone could see and feel what she was feeling.

He sighed as he nuzzled her hair, *I understand. I wish I could show my parents our pups. Hopefully where ever they are now they can look down and be proud.* He almost had to snicker, *Then again not sure what they would think of me having fourteen women sharing my bed. They might be horrified and wash their hands of me. Sophia they would be pleased with.* A little humor always helped as long as it wasn't malicious humor.

He managed to get a watery giggle from Stars, *I'm sure they would be pleased you are doing what you can to help others. Sophia has been helping as well. She has been cuddling up with me at night as has Darkness. Your parents would be proud of you.* The bit of humor did help though it wouldn't for long. She appreciated his attempt to help.

As they were relaxing they were contacted by Mayor Winds of Summer, *I would like to come in and talk to you Pack Father. I know you are mourning and I want to offer some help during this time. May I come in?* She was standing at the gate in the hopes they would allow her to come in and talk.

*Sophia would you go and show her in?* He wasn't going to move from where he was and Sophia was resting on Darkness's lap.

She stood and hurried out of what was becoming the main house. When she reached the gate, she opened it, "Welcome Ma'am. Come in and Brice is in the living room." She gave the Mayor a good hug.

"Thank you Sophia. I appreciate being seen at this sad time." She returned the hug and followed Sophia into the house.

One of the pack had moved from the seat across from Brice so the Mayor could sit down. The Mayor gave her a good hug and her thanks before she settled down. Once she was seated another lady carried over a tray of snacks and some tea, "Thank you. I don't plan on being here for long Pack Father but I hope I can be of some help to you. I would like to offer you several of my staff to help you start working on setting up your pack and pack property. They will be checking in with you, but by their doing the footwork it will allow you to relax and deal with your grief. They are good at their jobs and they will do their best for you."

He met her eyes and had to consider it. Before he said yes, he was going to talk to his pack. There was so much to do but right now all of them were feeling worn with the grieving. He needed a pack mother, a Matriarch, and figure out what all was on the property. Unfortunately, as much as he cared for all of his ladies he just didn't feel a deep enough attachment to make one a Pack Mother. As far as a Matriarch he did have an idea or two but it had to wait for the moment. From what he had seen of the property it was rather generic. There were a number of houses, some water features, but much had been left for them to design and fill in. To personalize it for their pack.

A New Balance - Life and death  Klithian Chronicles 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant