Chapter 14 - I have a pack member?

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Dark Storm and Silent

Once they had talked to Kevin and reviewed the plans for the new enclave Kevin had scheduled a flight to Klithia. She was relaxing next to Silent and almost drowsing. She was definitely starting to show. For now, it was mostly a slight baby bump but for those who knew it was obvious. She was sleeping at odd times, had strange cravings, and both she and her mate were looking so very pleased.

Silent was holding her as they were waiting for the transport to arrive, "Thanks Kevin for the transport. I know Dark Storm was going to arrange it but for some reason her pack isn't happy with her. Don't give a shit about them but I know it hurts her. Having them turn their back on us simply because makes me want to go and slap the shit out of them." He was keeping his voice down even though he was sure Kevin and Smiles could feel his emotions.

Kevin gave him a serious look, "Know the feeling though with my parents. I have to keep resisting the urge to go and slap the crap out of them. The court case is over but they keep trying shit. I want them out of our lives but it is going to take some time."

Smiles gentled their emotions, "We are dealing with it Kevin. For you Strength you will find a Liraque for the two of you. It might take some time but you will. Both of you need it and the Goddess will take care of it for you. I don't blame you for being so angry since I would be as well. Now relax and the transport will be here soon. I have to admit Dark Storm looks good pregnant. I keep resisting inviting her to bed." She grinned at the comment.

He had to laugh, "And she probably wouldn't turn you down. Can't wait to see our pup. Never expected to have a wife or pups. I know my memories were blocked and it did impact on me. I understand why they had to be but damn." How Silent wanted to see his pups and grand pups. He became pensive, "I want to see my pups. I feel the time has been stolen from me. I know I'll see them but I lost so much time with them."

Dark Storm reached up and stroked his cheek, "We will make the time up love. I lost so much important time with Gentle and looking back it hurts. I started healing the breach and getting to really know her and her pups. If I can do this, so can you. We will do this for each other." She kept stroking his face as she was talking.

He leaned into the touch of his mate and sighed, "It still bothers me Dark Storm. We will see them and I'll repair any damages to our relationships. I just wish I could have known them growing up." Silent finally sat up, "I need to soak and if you don't mind I need some privacy. It isn't anything with you Dark Storm, I just need some time to think. Love you so very much." He moved off the couch and left the room.


Transport to Klithia

Silent had taken some time to think and do his best to deal with what he had lost. It wasn't just his children but with the woman he had loved so much on that damn ship. He had quickly fallen for Dark Storm and having to deny that due to his contract hurt so very much. She had accepted his request to become his wife but he still needed to deal with the years since he had been taken. Even with Dark Storms support this was something he had to deal with.

As he was standing at the view port looking out Dark Storm was curled up on a couch. They had talked but she knew he needed time to deal with this. Knowing he was struggling to deal with his memories and what had been blocked hurt her.

Sleek Mover settled down next to Dark Storm. She wrapped an arm around her for comfort, *Afternoon and I'm Sleek Mover and a Liraque from Dor'kal'eth. I was asked to come with and help comfort you. Not necessarily as you and your mate's Liraque but as a contract Liraque. I'm here for you and Silent Strength as needed.* She looked at Silent and could feel his anger over what he had lost, *For both of you as I said. I'll help both of you for the time you are traveling.*

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