Chapter 3 - Cindy's Pregnancy

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A/N: Not completely happy with the chapter.  Not sure why but somethings bothering me.  Hope you enjoy it.

Brice and his pack hadn't seen the priestesses carry the fetus off the ship. The senior Priestess had the small wooden box in her hands and the four of them were singing the song of life and death. Their movements were slow and measured. As Brice and his family were leaving the landing area they marched through the crowd there to see them. As they were moving through the people a path was opened to their vehicle. The crooning for the loss was continued until they entered the vehicle and it took off.

Temple Mother Cheerful Greeting held the box until they arrived at the temple. As she was carrying it off the aircar there was a crowd of people who started crooning as well. They had heard the news and knew the baby would be brought to the temple. There were students of all ages in the courtyard and they were crooning also. As she walked into the Goddesses temple she was followed by the other three priestesses and the students. The students wouldn't go into the crematory but they followed to the door.

Once inside the box was opened and they started preparing the baby for his last rights. It didn't take long before the box was closed and slipped into the fires. There was a table large enough for an adult Klithian in the center of the room. Once the body was placed on it shields came up to protect the priestesses from the heat of the fire. A plasma fire cremated the body in a fairly short time.

As the box and body was being cremated the four stood there and kept singing. In several days, she would take the ashes to the new Pack Father and give him some comfort. Silvery was from her temple and she knew she would take care of Brice for the moment. Silvery would need some comfort as well. As they were singing she used a cloth to clear the tears from her face. This was a horrible way for Brice to end up coming to their world.

It wasn't common for a miscarriage but it did happen. Their medical was advanced enough most non-viable fetuses were identified and dealt with before they could make it this far. Once the fires were finished the baby's ashes were collected and placed in to two urns. One for the temple and one for the pack. For now, she was going to keep them close and the priestess who were assigned to the death detail would keep singing outside her office. She carefully picked the urn up and lightly kissed the top, "Come back soon little man. The Goddess wasn't ready to let you go I guess. We'll be waiting for your next cycle on the wheel."

Everyone walked out of the room and followed Greetings to her office. One took up position outside the door and continued singing. She would be replaced in two hours. Everyone could feel the shock and sadness of Pack Father Brice and they were doing their best to show how they felt.


The following morning Brice was sitting in his office. Silvery was behind him and had her arms around his neck. He activated the viewer and started to record a message. He needed to let his friends know about his lost child. It was going to be a short message but he didn't care, "I lost one of our pups. Stary Wind miscarried while in route to Klithia. I'm... I'm.... God it hurts. Give a croon for Stars Night. It was the name we were going to give him. I..." The tears were too much and he had to log off the system. He was sure Ray, Hands, and Kevin would understand.

Once he was done he stood and left his office and walked back out to the living area. Stars was being comforted by the women in his pack. After giving Darkness a wan smile he settled down and moved Stars to his lap. He didn't know what to say and settled for tucking her head into his neck. Sophia was curled up in Darkness's lap and looked like she was sleeping, *Thank you for coming down and helping to comfort her. I know she appreciates it.* When he was this upset trying to actually talk was virtually impossible.

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