Chapter 5 - Ray is approached about his pups

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Ray was sitting in his office when he was contacted by Pack Midnight. They had sent a request to talk to him via message. When he received it, he frowned slightly since the message indicated they wished to talk but not why. He was familiar with most of the packs on this section of Folicia and it was one he had some knowledge of. After frowning at the note, he finally opened a connection with the person who had sent the message, *Pack Father Johnson, what can I do for you Night Wind? Your message didn't say much so I'm not sure what you want or need.*

When he called back almost immediately she was rather startled, *Good morning Pack Father. What I wish to discuss with you, I would like to sit down and talk. Might we make an appointment for me to come down and see you? I know this sounds mysterious but I simply feel the conversation needs to be face to face and not via messages or sending. It concerns your future pack father pups.*

Ray had to make a slight face since he had known this day was coming. He had seventeen boy pups who were old enough to be considered for sending to other packs to see how they fit in. He had expected it but one thing he didn't like was the feeling he was selling his pups off to the highest bidder. He had long since come up with a list of requirements on how they would be dealt with. His pups, all of them, had been raised with a great deal of freedom. They were allowed to wander, had been to town and other places many times, and given free rein to their wants and desires. To certain extent. He wasn't going to allow his pups to be constrained by some conservative pack. If they didn't like it, then they wouldn't be given an option to have one of his pups join their pack.

*Not sure how long it will take you to get here but tomorrow or the day after? I will warn you I do have some expectations on how my pups are dealt with. We can discuss that when you arrive.* He wasn't harsh when he said that. It was a simple statement of fact.

*We understand Pack Father. I will come down tomorrow so an appointment the day after would be good. What time would you like to schedule it?* Over the years there had been additional documentaries on Earth, some from Earth itself. It was an interesting place but so many males? It was a mind-boggling concept.

He looked at the ceiling for a moment, *Come to the pack tomorrow evening. I'll have a guest room prepared and after breakfast the following morning we can talk. I'll make sure my calendar is clear for the morning. Gentle and our Liraque will be in on the discussion. I might be the Pack Father but their thoughts matter to me. Send me your itinerary so we know when you'll be in.* There wasn't any reason for her to stay at a hotel or somewhere else. Even with having the three packs there now they had plenty of room.

*Thank you Pack Father and if you don't mind I'm going to bring one other person along. I'm going to schedule the trip down soon and send you the information. I appreciate your quick response and being willing to meet with me as soon as we can. Have a good day Pack Father.* She disconnected and scheduled at train down.

*Gentle, I was just contacted by the Midnight pack about seeing if one of our pups will work as a potential Pack Father for them when old enough. She is going to be coming down tomorrow and staying here. Have someone make sure the guest quarters are clean and ready please.* To be honest he was surprised nobody had approached them before now. The pups were starting to get close to seven years old in some cases. Only the oldest would be considered for selection. It would depend on what the pup felt as well. He had to smile when he thought about Linc. That pup wasn't going to settle down into just a harem. Ray knew he was going to have itchy paws and want to explore and travel. When he was older he might settle down but even now he had the urge to wander and explore the temple or where ever he was at the moment.

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