Chapter 13 - Flowers

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Hands introduces Flowers to his pack

When his younger pack members came back from class he had a message programmed into their implant. Some were going to know who the little girl had been in the past and they had to remain quiet about it. The others would sense that she was a gentle soul and react but that described most Liraque. It was because of who they were and being called by the Goddess. Even with Aqua and even Daisy, they might be mischievous but they at heart were gentle and would comfort anyone. Aqua would poke gentle fun as needed at those she was with. Daisy was like a beautiful flower who comforted with her glowing soul.

For now, they needed to keep Flowers from knowing who she had been. She was way too young to understand and it was going to demand keeping it from her for a good ten years, *Goddess why did you bring her back now?* Hands was holding the little girl since she was taking a short nap, *Shouldn't it have waited a while? I know she was going to come back but now? So young? Why didn't she end up at another temple?* Hands had been forced to get a good hug from Savory as his emotions surged and flowed.

When Linc and Butterfly walked in they froze and looked at the girl on Hands lap. They slowly moved over since they could feel who she was. Neither could define it since they were still young. They just knew she was family in some way. Both walked over and crawled in the couch and settled down on either side of the young girl. She was about two years younger than they were, *We's take care of her Pack Father.* Linc held on and tucked her muzzle against his neck.

*Do so Link and Butterfly. Don't ask since I won't tell you. Just do your best to help her.* He nuzzled Flowers' hair before waking her up, "Time to meet the rest of my pack little lady." He stood and gave a good stretch, he was going to need a great deal of comfort from Savory tonight.

Spicy came over and wrapped an arm around him, *Be there as well. Sure, light will be there as well. Feel the impact of Flowers on all of you.* She nipped his neck, "Time for dinner and then homework for you poor young pups." She was growled at which made her laugh.

He was glad Cindy wasn't there or he probably would have cried if she had asked him questions. He was having enough trouble dealing with knowing that this little girl had been Flitter in her former life. Now he understood why normally people were brought back as an almost new soul. It would save those who had loved them pain.

Hands tells ray about Flowers

That evening Hands was relaxing with Savory. He had his head in her lap and his feet were on Lights. After dealing with his feelings about having Flowers he needed the attention. He needed to contact Ray and let him know, *Ray do you have some time? I need to talk to you about a new Liraque-trainee I've been assigned.*

Ray was relaxing with Zantha since Gentle was dealing with something Pack Mother related, *What do you need bro? Is there is a problem with the trainee? I'm guessing she is a new trainee?* Much like Hands he was laying on a couch with his head in Zantha's lap. Thyra was sitting across from them and comforting a pup who had a belly ache.

*Take a deep breath Ray. It is a new trainee and she is, was Flitter. Her name is Blossoming Flowers and is called Flowers. I encountered her mother this morning and knew who she was. Don't come over please. I'm going to bring her home this weekend so you can meet her. She is five and her bracelets just changed.* He knew it was going to hurt him to hear that but Ray had to know. He was going to meet her eventually and they might as well get it over with.

Ray tensed and rolled over and pressed his face against Zantha's waist, *Oh god... I'll talk to you later.* He wrapped his arms around Zantha and started crying. He knew she would have heard what Hands had sent him even as Gentle would. It brought back memories of being with Flitter and feeling her leave him with the birth of their pups.

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