Chapter 12 - Arriving at the temple

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He walked out of his pack section, Hands grinned when he realized he still considered it a section. It was his pack property and technically was that. Chances were good he would keep thinking of it as a section for as long as he was alive. Maybe on the next spin of the wheel he would think something different but for now it would always be his section. As he was walking he was thinking about all the changes in the last year.

Brice had left for Klithia, Cindy being pregnant, Stan and Nikky going to Klithia at Brice's request. That wasn't even mentioning the loss of the pup, and everything else. Right now, he was going to Quail's new shop to get a fresh supply of people bones and some new blends of coffee. The plants Ray had imported had started to produce and he wanted to try the new stuff. He could have asked Ray for some but it didn't feel right doing that. He already had a steady supply from Ray's pack for the normal coffee. For this he would cheerfully pay. He would be getting a discount for being a relative of Ray's, but that he could live with.

As he was walking out the main entrance to the Temple a scent and feeling crossed his nose and he froze. His eyes started to water and it was all he could do not to cry. When a woman addressed him, he turned to look at her.

"Excuse me Pack Father, my daughter's bracelets just changed color. Do you know who I need to see about this?" She looked down at her little girl and couldn't help but smile when she held her wrist up to show him the light purple color.

Hands squatted down and looked at the little girl, "So I see, hello cutie. Would you like a hug?" She even looked a fair amount like Flitter did, "So what's your name munchkin?" When she came over to him he gave her a good hug and stood with her in his arms.

"Her name is Blooming Flowers. I call her Flowers." She stroked her little girl's back as she smiled at her, "I had a feeling she would end up coming here even when she was a baby. It just felt right."

"Come with me and I'll show you to the Temple Mother's office. That is a lovely name for a darling little girl. She is as cute as all my nieces." He was going to need to get a good hug from Savory once he took care of this. It was bringing back memories of when Flitter had passed away.

"You don't need to do that Pack Father. If you can just direct me to where I need to go. I don't want to distract you from what you were doing." She knew who Hands was since his image had been so posted on the internet.

"Nonsense, I was just going to get a small bag of the locally produced coffee. Nothing more than that." He was still holding the little girl in his arms as he walked back into the temple. He knew she wasn't Flitter but there was her presence to the little girl.

"If you say so Pack Father." She wasn't going to argue and it was a new experience to spend a bit of time even talking to one. Her pack had a Pack Father but she hadn't seen him since she was a little girl. It was a large pack and she knew he could only see a certain number of people.

He shifted the girl to one hip and wrapped an arm around the woman, "I do." He grinned when he said it, "I know it's going to be hard leaving Flowers here, if you have any questions or want to see her contact me. My brother is looking at starting to look at letting his pups go to other packs. He had been approached several times to talk about trading pups or having one come to their pack as a future pack father." Ray had talked to him about it. Chances were good Hands would need to consider it as well. Not all his pups were going to be Liraque or Pack Father's.

She tensed when he wrapped an arm around her before she started to relax. It felt good having his arm around her, "It is but I know she is going to get good training and well taken care of. She can come home on the weekends as well." Goodness, come to him directly? That was an almost terrifying thought. Pack Fathers ran the pack, they didn't deal with little things like this.

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