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Dark Storm and Strength

It had been several months since the visit on Klithia. They had received the message from Kevin and had spent a great deal of time discussing what he suggested. Strength wasn't sure about forming a pack but he could offer some of the ladies a chance to come to earth. It would be temporary until or unless they decided to stay on, "Still trying to decide if we should start a pack. It is something I just never considered even after getting my memories back."

Dark Storm leaned against him as she was nursing their pup, "Ultimately that question has to be answered by you. It is something a male has to decide when given the option or feels drawn to it. I'll support you either way. For now, we do have several females coming back with us." She couldn't help but grin when she mentioned that. Three of the women were ones who had been aboard the ship. The fourth was from one of the other colonies. He had been tickled when one of his daughters chose to come back with as well.

He was looking out the viewing port as they were approaching Earth. They had decided to come back slightly early so they could ensure the second Enclave was ready. Even after they arrived it was going to be several months before they could open. Even with the Folician's 'hired' they were going to need to hire at least a dozen humans for the grand opening. Even though the warehouse was vast it was going to take time to start using all of it. The warehouse was actually larger than the original one since it had been an existing building.

The Folician's originally had planned on a very small presence on Earth. It wasn't until Ray had come back and the trading really started. There had been some but what he had decided to import had changed all that. Coffee had really hit the market followed by different teas and then chocolate. There was more but those had started the entire mess. The company had expanded from three Folician's too close to a dozen and another eighteen or so human workers. Under Kevin's careful watch and control it was growing into a major business.

Because they were doing a very good trade both on Earth and the Folician world's it was time to expand. By opening a second Enclave they could hide the trade with Folicia and their other worlds better. The trade was heavy enough it was starting to get hard to hide. One advantage to the trade with Folicia was all that income didn't have to be listed on their taxes on earth.

When he didn't respond, Dark Storm nudged him, "Two Shillings for your thoughts Strength." She didn't use the penny since she figured the schilling would catch his attention.

It did catch his attention just enough for him to turn and give her an odd look, "Schilling? Seriouslly?" Strength had to shake his head for a moment, "Not sure what to really think about forming a sub-pack. I know we can do it anytime but... I just don't know what to think. I keep going back to I was just a traveling sales rep for my company. I was good at it and enjoyed it. It's why it makes sense for you to be the CEO. You normally dealt with trades which made mine look tiny. You have also arranged trades between major packs. Trying to think of me as being in charge of a pack and running a pack business concerns me."

Dewy Dawn had been listening and tried not to smile. Strength might not realize it but he was already forming a pack. The five of them had already talked and decided they would accept joining once he had made the decision. Dewy stood and walked over to the two and wrapped her arms around him and leaned against his back, *When you do decide we will ask to join. Take your time and make the best decision for you.*

When she wrapped her arms around him Strength had to smile. He had many fond memories of being with her on the ship. He cared a great deal for her but Dark Storm had his heart. When she spoke, he didn't change expression or even bother saying anything. Instead he settled for enjoying her leaning against his back. First thing in the morning they were going to be transported down.

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