Chapter 15 - Memories and Brice

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A/N: Thank you for your patience with the delay of getting this out.  Please read, vote, comment and especially enjoy.

Dark Storm and Strength

Both gave Brice a good hug after he had been received the ashes of his family. They had known they were coming back and had talked with the priestess. One thing Strength had learned was the Goddess's temple was comprised of several aspects. Even though the Liraque were considered priestesses, there were non-Liraque priestesses as well. All were called to the temple but only a small portion were Liraque. The normal priestesses dealt with the people and things like the ashes being delivered.

Spending time with Hands section and even Ray's had given him a slightly skewed view of the temple environment. All he had dealt with were Liraque and normal females. He had been dropped into an in-depth crash course of their culture. When he had been aboard ship so many years ago there was a woman assigned to him but not a Liraque. She had spent a good amount of time answering his questions. It had helped having Dark Storm sitting with him as they talked. Their Liraque, Sleek Mover, let the priestess do much of the talking.

She had found Strength to be an interesting person and was enjoying getting to know him. He was obviously well educated by Earth standards and asked some very good questions. What she did find somewhat interesting was he was someone who learned more by talking and asking questions than from any book. He was definitely a people person as well. If she had been from America she could have called him a smooth operator. It wasn't saying he was playing the field but if he saw someone who interested him he would woo her. It was fascinating watching. Now that they were on Klithia she had to wonder how large a swath he would cut.

Brice returned the hugs, "Thank you and welcome. We have rooms for you at the Pack. Not sure if you have met Stan and Nikki but they are on Klithia. They are residing at the temple but come past frequently." He waved them towards the transport and once they were on he followed on as well.

The flight was quiet since he was holding the box and thinking about what had happened in the last year or so. He was going to hold off on the internment until Memories had started on the actual garden. She was going to be over in a day or two and get started on it. What he was asking of her was a massive undertaking since she was looking at the entire property and not just the garden.

When they walked in Stars and Mellow were there. Stars wrapped an arm around Brice since she knew what was in the box. Quietly the two of them walked towards his office since they were going to be kept there. Silvery followed behind the two.

Mellow moved forward, "Brice, Stars, and Silvery are going to be busy for a while. I was asked to show you around and to your rooms. I'm Mellow by the way." She gave them a good hug and kiss before eyeballing Strength. Dark Storm was damn good looking as well. In the next few days she might ask to spend time with them.

Dark Storm gave Strength a knowing look since they had been seeing it quite often, "We understand Mellow and this is our Liraque Sleek Mover. Show us to the rooms and then the springs and we can talk."


Malcom at the temple

When they arrived at the temple and walked in Malcom considered running for his life. Most of the females were older but some were close to his age. They had squealed and almost taken him down before Hands had growled at them.

"Stop and be nice, Malcom isn't from here and isn't used to our culture. Give him room and sense his emotions." He settled down and scooped up Flowers as she was heading towards the boy, "Few of you will know how I reacted to a room of girls trying to cuddle me to death. Give him some room or else." He growled again even as he was cuddling Flowers.

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