Chapter 2 - Why? Why did this happen?

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Once they arrived aboard the transport he realized it was a military vessel. Everyone was in uniform based on their skin suits. The captain saluted, "Greetings and welcome Pack Father. Greetings to you as well Sophia and everyone else. I am pleased to welcome you aboard the Battle Wagon Klithian's Rest. We have rooms for you and will be leaving the system shortly." She waved several of her crew to start unloading their luggage.

Brice lowered his face as he blushed, *Thank you captain. I would speak but right now don't think I would make sense. I had expected to be on some sort of civilian transport and not some military vessel.* He looked up at her and gave her a smile.

"Not a problem and I understand. We are heading in that direction which is why we were asked to provide transport." Their worlds had decided not to take chances with the Human pack fathers. It was being kept quiet but when a military transport was available they would be using it. The human pack fathers were that important and she understood, "This evening I am going to invite you to my table for dinner. We have taken on some fresh food and I hope you'll enjoy it."

Sophia looked around and leaned against Silvery while her brother was talking to the captain. She could tell the difference between the transport she had been on and this ship. The other had been something like a space going bus but this was obviously a military vessel. It was hard to explain but she could sense the difference. When everyone headed out of the room where they had docked she followed with. Once they were shown to the rooms they would be in she realized she was going to be with some of the younger females. Brice was going to be in his own room though she chose not to comment on that. She had a feeling why and it bothered her but she was still learning what pack meant, "Can we go to the lounge? I would like to look at space again. It was wonderful coming here and I'm sure it will be wonderful leaving."

Silvery gave her a good hug, "We can and I have to admit I love the view as well." She led Sophia out of the room she had been assigned. When they reached the lounge, she had to smile since there were several males there. Since this was a capitol ship there was a small harem on board, "Morning every one, this is Sophia. She is Pack Father Brice's younger sister. Be nice or I'll bite you." She couldn't resist the teasing.

One male, he was a young adult, stood, "That wasn't nice Liraque. Of course we'll be nice. Nice to meet you Sophia. Come, have a seat and we can watch the stars together." He sat back down and waved them over to where he was sitting.

Sophia blushed before sitting down next to the man, "Folicia was nice but I am going to miss my boyfriend Dreamer. We knew this was going to happen but I already miss him." She leaned against the male.

He wrapped an arm around her and gave her a light hug, "I understand. Miss the first lady I cared for. Black Night was a wonderful woman. So what do you think of Folicia? Haven't been there other than in orbit. I'm so looking forward to getting back to Klithia. I miss my pups and can't wait to see them." He wasn't much over twenty and only had a few pups.

When he hugged her, she blushed again before leaning lightly against him, "It was a wonderful world and Hands' pack is really nice. Ray's pack is nice but they are older. Hands pack had some my age. Dreamer was a really cute boy. I'm really going to miss him." Even if nothing like 'that' would happen she had slept next to him once they started dating, "I'm going to miss him and River curled up next to me." How she had come to care for him.

Darkness gave her a light squeeze, "If you need a good hug or even some comfort come and talk to us. We are used to giving comfort to a number of people. Not just sex but cuddles and hugs." He nuzzled her hair before picking up his drink and taking a sip, "Any of us will give you a good hug and talk. Even most of the females will do the same."

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