Chapter 7 - Canolon Flower

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Brice was sitting in his office waiting for Darkness to arrive. He had sent a request for a meeting this morning. He knew why and it was going to upset his sister but Darkness wasn't part of their pack. Just before he was shown in Silvery had placed snacks and drinks on the coffee table. It was almost amusing since neither he nor Darkness normally went for warm drinks. Both preferred something cold most of the time, "Thank you Silvery, if you would show Darkness in, I would appreciate it." He opened a can of their version of soda.

Darkness was shown in and settled down in the seat Brice waved him to, "Morning Brice, I'm sure you know why I'm here. I am going to be leaving in the morning. It is going to be a year before my time with the fleet is up. Once done I am going to accept your offer to join your pack." When possible on his time off he was going to come down. He hoped the position would still be open once his time with the fleet was completed.

Once he had finished what he was munching on Brice gave Darkness a pleased grin, "Glad to hear that Darkness. Even if I do accept another male in the pack I will keep an open spot for you." He gave him a slight smile, "I'm interested in knowing the reasons why you have made this decision. I know even though you are with the fleet you do have a pack." He had a few ideas as to why but wanted to know Darkness' thoughts.

When Brice asked him why his ears lowered slightly before they stood up again, "I do have a pack and it is a decent one. Being part of the harem on the various ships has shown me there are different ways to do things. I've been exposed to a number of ideas my current pack doesn't accept. I've been able to learn and use some of that onboard the ship. If I went back to my pack I wouldn't be able to do nearly as much. I like your pack and the ladies who are making it up." He noticed the slight smile on Brice's face and was forced to lower his ears again.

Everything Darkness said was reasonable and understandable. When he lowered his ears, and twitched his whiskers it was all Brice could do not to snicker. He didn't since it would only embarrass the man, "Those are good reasons. Any others?" He did quirk an eyebrow very slightly and watched Darkness' ears lower a bit more.

He sighed, "And I like your sister. I know she is underage and nothing would happen until she was of age. I just really enjoy spending time with her." He wasn't sure what else to say to Brice about Sophia. Now that she was recovered from her medical condition she was active and loved talking. She had forced him and several of the ladies to show her around the town. It had been enjoyable and by the time they were back she had been almost bouncing.

"There's nothing wrong with that. I have seen the two of you together and I know she likes you. I also know that you are honorable enough to keep any sort of relationship at the friendship level until she is old enough. Even with her being a Liraque, she isn't denied relationships. I did want you to know that I didn't have a problem with the time you've been spending time with her. Go, relax, Silvery mentioned a nice club she knows of. I was thinking of seeing who might want to go. I'll let you know." As Darkness left he called Silvery into his office.

He couldn't help but smile when she settled down in his lap and leaned against him. She had been sensing his emotions while he was talking to Darkness. She knew how protective he was of Sophia. She had checked Darkness' feelings and he came across as what he was, a friendly male. He liked Sophia and it showed but not in what could be considered a bad way. She also knew he had enjoyed the time he had spent with the pack, "What can I do for you?"

Brice nipped one ear, "Stinker, I know you were keeping your finger on our brains." He nipped the ear again just because he could, "Sophia is going to be upset with Darkness leaving. I wanted to see about seeing if you have any sort of, ah, what we would call reserves? Um, parks or tours outside the city where we can see your world." He fumbled with what he wanted to say since he wasn't sure how to ask what he wanted.

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