Chapter 11 - Deeper Memories

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Brice goes to the Pack Lord's Temple

Even as Sophia was going to the Goddess's temple Brice was heading towards the Pack Lords temple. He needed to check in with the senior Pack Priest also. Even though he had received training back on Folicia he would need to be evaluated here as well. From what he understood even though each world was based on Folician culture they did things somewhat differently. It also included the worship of the deities. The basic foundation was the same but each world had made slight changes to meet their needs and the needs for their world.

The temple was reasonably close to his property but he decided to take an air car. Normally he would have walked but he simply wasn't in the mood today. Even with having several pups delivered he was still feeling the effects of Stars losing hers. Silvery was helping him finish coming to terms with it but it was taking time. It was helping having Forest working with Stars. She was doing better and wasn't needing to be in his bed nearly as much. She was still spending time in his other women's beds which he understood.

For some reason the vehicle circled the temple before landing at the central entrance. As Brice stepped out, he was met by a very impressive looking Klithian. By the feel alone he knew it was the Temple Father, "Good morning Pack Father Resonant Light. I'm pleased to meet you." He gave the man a good hug which was returned.

Resonant stepped forward and returned the hug, "Welcome Brice and just call me Resonant. Shall we walk? I'll show you around the temple before we go to my office and talk. I'm sure you're familiar with the general layout of the temple but I do enjoy saying hello to my priests and supplicants." He walked into the temple and started introducing his priests. There weren't many but he made sure Brice had met them.

"Sounds good Resonant, Sophia is checking in with at her Temple today." He had to sigh, "It's going to be so strange not having her around. I know she was at the Temple back on Folicia but I spent a fair amount of time there." At least her cancer was cured so she would be fine now. With their help, he had been able to keep his promise to their parents.

Resonant gave him an understanding smile, "Understandable Brice. I've watched my pups leave to their packs and Harem's. I won't say it's easy or gets easier. Keep in mind she is under the Goddess's protection. She can come home on the weekends as I'm sure you know. It is in a way worse for Pack Father's since all the pups in a way belongs to them. The one thing to keep in mind is that you control your pup's fate. If he or she is to go to a different pack, you decide which pack."

Brice glanced at him and almost frowned, "Not being very helpful there Resonant. Or I should say not being very comforting." It wasn't something he had even considered. It hadn't been something he had been discussed or he hadn't heard the conversations. There was so much he was learning either was possible, "Send a pup to another pack?" He was frowning as he tried to understand why.

Resonant smiled slightly, "Wasn't trying to be Brice, not comforting that is. Being a Pack Father can be joyous. Sitting next to one of your ladies as they are nursing, swelling with your pups, and even watching them deliver. When you have junior males in your pack you will feel much the same. You will love knowing that they are bringing new life into the pack. You will watch them doing much the same with their ladies. Watching your pack grow is wonderful. Being a Pack Father can be hard as well. It is especially true with a new pack. All the pups will be related and you will need to send them to packs not related by blood. You will also have to bring in new pups for the same reason. You will find that hard since they are your blood and flesh."

They walked into his room and one of his ladies carried two stine's of cider over and handed one to each before sitting down next to Brice. Resonant settled down with another lady and continued, "You will also be there if one of your future junior males loses a pup. Pack Fathers are the center of the pack and it shows. We feel the love of the entire pack slightly more because we are the central focus of the pack. We also feel the pain slightly more for the same reason. It is one of the reasons you are taking such time to recover from the loss of your pup. The pack is feeling her pain and traces of that is being reflected to you." He leaned forward, "You do have my deepest sympathy Brice. Losing a pup is never easy."

A New Balance - Life and death  Klithian Chronicles 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora