Chapter 22 - Ashton

Começar do início

“-Ashton,” Was all I heard before someones arms were wrapped around me embracing me in a comforting hug. “Hey, what's wrong?”

“Everything,” I said looking up to see it was Chase. “Charlotte’s mad at me because of what she saw Chris and I doing.”

“What did she see the two of you doing?”

“Chris kissed me. She walked in and now she thinks I’ve gone back to guys,” I say hesitantly, looking at the ground.

“I’m going to be completely honest. If Liam had kissed a girl and I saw, my first thought would be that he went back to girls,” Chase gave me a half smile before continuing. “You should talk to her and explain what actually happened.”

“I would if she’d talk to me. She said she didn’t trust me, and I don’t think I’d trust myself at the moment,”

“Ashton, don’t say that; she caught you at the wrong moment. You shouldn’t beat yourself up over that,”

“It just hurts. If this is the end, then I never will be able to tell her how I feel about her. It’s only been like two in a half months, but I’m still head over heel in love with her,” I say before looking up at Chase. “Do I sound crazy to you?”

Chase chuckled, “No, you just sound crazy in love,”

A small smile rises to my face until I see Poppy burst through the classroom door with a scowl on her face which is directed towards me.

“Why the hell did you fucking kiss a guy? Like seriously, I thought you liked Charlotte enough to not cheat on her,” Poppy stops taking a breath. “I thought you were straight, we all thought you were straight.”

“I am straight, you can even ask Max. Does anyone fucking listen to me? Chris kissed me, I would never kiss someone like him. I love Charlotte and only Charlotte. I’d never try to hurt her,” My voice started to get quieter towards the end. I wasn’t crying anymore, but you could probably tell by my puffy eyes.

“You love her?” Poppy had a smile on her face, all traces of anger towards me were gone. I nod my head and stand up to see that we had seven minutes until the first bell rang.

“Is Charlotte going to be at school today?”

“No, she’ll be in tomorrow though,”

“I’ve got to get ready for first hour,” My hand wipes away some tears that fell down my cheek and then wiped my eyes, before walking over to my desk. “I told Chris I’d do anything for him. He figured out the secret, I told him I’d do anything for him if he’d keep this quiet.”

The day went by surprisingly quickly meaning I was sitting in my classroom waiting for Chris to come in before I go home and cry myself to sleep.

“Ashton. Good, you waited for me,” Chris came in with a smirk on his face.

“What do you want me to do? I’d like to get home,” I already had my bag packed with papers and all my other shit that I need to bring home. All I wanted to do was go home and try to have an okay night, but only that wouldn’t happen.

“I thought of a couple things, but then they all concluded with the same thing,”

“Okay, and what would that be? I really don’t have time for this, I need to get home,” I breath out a huge exaggerated puff, sending him daggers through my eyes.

“God,” He rolled his eyes. “I want to fuck you. That’s it. It’ll either be just once, or many times depending on how good of a fuck you are,”

“That’s all you want? Just to fuck me? Well I’m sorry, but that’s not happening. I’m completely and utterly straight. I don’t fuck around with guys, especially guys like you,” Came out of my mouth before I was walking out of my classroom, not forgetting to bump his shoulder.

He’s a bloody idiot for thinking that anything meant I’d let him shag me. Just because he kissed me does not mean that he has the right to ask to have sex with me. Anything would be under the lines of going out on a date with him or maybe even being his “boyfriend”, but I’d never let him fuck me. I’d rather have Charlotte fuck me then a dumbass like him. Chris is just an inconsiderate jackass.

On my way home I get a text from Poppy.

From Poppy:


you need to talk to Charlotte. shes seriously doing horrible without you by her side. she says shes doing fine, but I can tell shes not. Shes basically my sister for crying out loud! :/

To Poppy:


Maybe she is without me, but she doesn’t want to see me. I’m sorry, but I can’t help you at the moment. If she really wanted to see me, she would have let me explain what happened.

I never knew that something like this would be this hard to face. First I have Charlotte hating me, then I have Chris wanting to shag me, who knows what's next.

Arriving at my apartment building, I quickly get out of my car making my way into my apartment. I make a beeline to my bedroom before stripping of my clothes and climbing into my bed, laying in it with tears streaming down my face.

The last thought I had before falling asleep was, how was I going to get through another day without Charlotte by my side, because honestly, I didn’t know.

The English Teacher {Student/Teacher}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora