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"Thank you, Krystal," Yeonjee said, being ever so grateful for making a new friend and becoming close so quickly, "All of this wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for you."

Krystal simply smiled.
"Yah! I'd do anything for my girlfriends," she said as she embraced Yeonjee who hugged back even when the gown made it almost difficult, "This is your special day. Make the most of it, arasseo?"
"Ne. Thank you so much!" Yeonjee replied as tears fell from her eyes.
Krystal noticed her tears and gave her a tiny hit on her bare arm.
"Yeonjee-ah," she soothed, "Don't cry. You'll ruin your mascara."
Yeonjee simply laughed at Krystal and quickly blinked away the heavier tears that were about to fall.

The door behind the two opened to reveal a rather glamorous Hyomin.
"Ladies, we have 30 seconds till the ceremony," she said and walked to Yeonjee, "Are you ready?"
Yeonjee simply nodded with a nervous and excited smile plastered on her face.
"Ok, well, I guess we should take you to your dad. He's waiting for you outside."

Yeonjee held her breath and followed Hyomin outside to lead her to her father who, she had to admit, didn't look to age a day since his High school days that she saw when she scrolled through a yearbook she found when she was a little girl.

Her eyes began to glassen again when she saw her father.
"Appa!" she called happily.
Her father turned around and saw his beautiful daughter all dressed in white.
Tears of joy began to form in his eyes as his heart began to fill with overflowing happiness for his little girl.

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