Chapter 55.

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Alexa's POV

I was walking around the park. It was a beautiful day today. Too bad I had no one to enjoy it. I sat down at the bench near the playground. I watched a boy hold a little girl's hand. They walked around the park together. A woman sat down next to me and watched the little kids too. She had a happy smile on her face while watching them.

"Adorable, aren't they?" She says. I glanced at her.

"Yeah. They are" I smile lightly

"Those are my kids" she smiles proudly. I look at her and the kids. They did look like her

"The boy is such a great brother..." I say

"He really is. My baby girl is the sweetest angel ever." She speaks proudly too.

"Oh! Oops. I'm sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Verdana" she smiles at me. For some reason she seems familiar.

"Alexa" I give her a light smile

"So what are you doing here all alone Alexa?" Verdana asks

"Just...thinking." I say

"Boy problems?" She asks

"How'd you know?"

"You look like me when I had boy problems too. Oh jeez. That makes me feel old." She says

"You look far from old. You look amazing even after giving birth to two children." I say truthfully

"Aww thank you sweetheart. You look way better though. Especially cause you're young." She says

"So...wanna tell me your boy problems?"

"I guess I need someone to talk to" I chuckle

"Girl talk!!" She says in a girly tone. I laugh quietly at that. I took a deep breath and ran my hand through my hair. I prepared myself for a long rant.

"So...I have a boyfriend. His name is Cole. I also found my biological parents and my twin sister. It turns out my boyfriend and my twin used to be a couple that was very much in love and best friends for a long time. At first they hated each other and I tried to get them to be friends again, now they're way too close for my liking. I mean, I kinda have tbe right to be jealous cause I'm the girlfriend. You know, I haven't been able to properly talk to Cole because he's always with my twin. They're ALWAYS together. They act more like a couple than Cole and I. It's just so frustrating. Everything is going downhill and I have nobody to help me back up."

My eyes filled with unshed tears. I refused to cry or feel sad during this whole time. I knew that of I broke down, I'll struggle to fix myself.

"Cole...took my broken self and cared for me. He put back all the broken pieces together...and now he's crushing it. He's slowly breaking me again."

"I'm sorry if this might offens you, but your sister and boyfriend are asswipes." Is the first thing she said

"They're treating you terribly, especially that boyfriend of yours...dear...I'm guessing you struggle with depression, huh?" She guesses. My eyes widen in shock

"How did you know?" I softly ask

"My husband was the same. You remind me of him. Now as I was saying, this boyfriend of yours is a dick. I'm not good in giving advice; I'm sorry. If I were you though, I'd break up with him" she says

"I thought about that. I realized that if I break up with him, he's just gonna get back together with my sister. I don't know what's more painful. Them acting like a couple in front of me or them being an actual couple." I say

"Well if that's the case,I suggest you start keeping your distance. You're hurting yourself by hanging around them. I think you should try to distract yourself. Just don't think about them. The more you think about them, the more you'll break. Be strong, okay?. Whatever is going wrong, it will get better. It always does. You're doing so well in not breaking and keeping strong. I'm so proud of you. You know we go through struggles so that in the end it'll all be worth it. There's no happy ending without some struggles. Just remember that."

I looked at her with teary eyes. She pulls me into a hug. I bit my lip to prevent myself from crying. I hugged her back and she continued to comfort me.

"Always stay strong. Fuck anyone who says shit or do shit to you. They don't matter. Whatever is going wrong, it'll get better." She says

"Thank you Verdana." I smile lightly

"Oh please. Call me V."  She says

"Mama!! Mama!!!" The little boy runs over to V. She picks him up, and he immediately cuddles into her. He was definitely a mama's boy.

"Hey Buddy! Where's your sister?" She asks him

"With daddy" the boy replies. Soon a man comes approching us with the little girl in his arms. He smiles widely when he sees V. He looks at her with such love and joy, she looks at him the same way. I envied them. I wanted a love like this. I once imagined Cole and I to be like this,turns out it wasn't gonna happen anytime soon.

"Hello gorgeous. Hello handsome little buddy." He says. He kisses V's cheek, making her smile widen.

"Coby, this is Alexa! A new friend I made." V says

"Hi!" He grins at me. He doesn't look the least bit depressed. I'm guessing he's okay now.

"I thought Matt was with you" V says

"He was?" Coby looks around in confusion

"HEY SIS!!!" a familiar voice yells. V yelps as a figure hugs her legs. I laugh when I see the tall body of Matt clinging onto V's legs. He was laying on the ground. His stomach on the ground. He looks uo and grins widely when he sees me. He quickly stands up and tackles me in a hug.

"HI ALEXA!!!!!" He yells again. I chuckle and push him off me, making him pout

"You two know each other?" V asks



Matt and I say at the same time.

"Dang. I'm sorry." V says and looks at me sympathetically

"I am truly sorry." Coby says as well

"I know...thank you. It's been very hard but I'm managing." I join in on the act

"I hate you guys" Matt huffs

"Love you too, lil bro." V says teasingly

"Oh my gosh!!" She suddenly says. We all look at her in confusion. She smiles at me. She hands Matt the little boy and sits down. She started telling me stories about her high school life and about a guy named Andrew. She said that when her best friend/ ex boyfriend was starting to replace her, she had Andrew to help her. Andrew distracted her from the sadness of seeing her PAST love-had to emphasize that for Coby- date a girl that wasn't her. She proceeded to tell me how Matt was exactly like Andrew and can really help me. Matt obviously agreed and told me that I was gonna be his new bestest friend. After a lot more talking and hanging out with this family, I had to head Cole's house. It didn't feel like home anymore.

I hugged all of them goodbye and promised that I'll see them soon. With that, I reluctantly went back to Cole's house. I could already hear him and Alyssa's laughs together.


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