"Look at her clothes. Who will wear such revealing clothes precisely at night, if Park Jimin is stranger to her. Like DUHH ."

"And look. Her boob is almost popped out of the white shirt already."

Are they doing this on purpose ? I thought as i scroll down the chat of my collegues.

Didn't they realize that I also the part in the Kakaotalk ? The group chat flooded with message about bad talking me when they have no idea that they all misunderstanding with me. They bad talking me, but praised Jimin like God.

I turn off the kakaotalk notification, since I will end up hurting if read the chat from A to Z. I search Jimin name in since hes well known in business news, and the first picture I saw already success to makes feel embarrass with myself.

Its the picture from last night, where I open the door for him with my revealing shirt that I have no why I forgot to change it since I thought the person is Seungwan. The second pic is his picture alone, smiling like an idiot which makes the rumors strong enough to believe because he seems like he was waiting for his wife to open the door for him. The third picture is his picture that taken from perfect angel where it looks like him kissing me. But the truth that people didnt know about is, he just pass me to enter the room. I wonder where the person that take this picture study photography since the person able to manipulate the citizen to actually believe on the rumors. The last picture is the picture where I saw him for the first time. Its the picture of him force hugging me with the unbearable statement,THE HEIR OF PARK COOPERATION CAUGHT HAVING SWEET DATING WITH HIS SECRET WIFE

WIFE ? SECRET WIFE ? THIS IS CRAZY. I need to call him.

It all happen after he slipped this stupid ring. I silently muttered as i look at the ring that he slipped again into my ring finger last night.

Not like Wendy, Jimin is fast enough to answer my call with only first ring.

"Anyeong Seulgi ? How are you ? You seem to missed me very much that you call me in the morning like this." He said with with his super sweet voice. I know deep inside he's trying to mocked me.

I didn't answer him until he called my name again.

" Seulgi ? "

" You must already know about what happened right ? Please come here and take me out of this house. I need to go for work but the reporter are here since you're the one who caused this "

" Eeeyyyy what do you mean my fault ? I'm not the one who caused the rumors happen "

" No need to lie. I know it. You're the one who tell me something will happen today "

He didn't answer me. Instead he just laughing.

" I have important meeting before 11. You need to come here as fast as you can "

I only have 30 minutes before the meeting start. The meeting is important to me, since i have to present all the hardwork that my team did for the past few weeks. The presentation will determine either we're keep on the same possition or no . Even if someone ruin my life, i shouldn't do the same to people right ?

" As you can see, there're too many reporter there. I'm not going. "

" I know what you want. I agree with your stupid deal. Just-- just take me to my workplace "

I'm seriously tired of everything.

" You're clever Kang Seulgi. Wait me there. I'll come in a few mins " He said and hung off the phone. I can't help but burst into tears again.


Jimin didn't took long to come here as i heard the door bell ring. I open the door for him and as expected there were no reporter at all. He must had told them to go already. With the power of him, i bet he can do everything he want.

I take all my files and bags with him. He was about to help me, but i push his hands away my things and went straight to the passanger seat without looking at him.

" I have an important meeting less than 20 minutes. You should make it there. I bet you know where my workplace is since you background check me before " I said lowkey wanna makes him hurt by my words.

He started the engine , soon drove to my workplace. He didn't take longer for him, as we already reach the company building.

I can see the staff around started to whispered among themself. He, of course being gentleman, open the door for me and help me settle the things out of his car with his one hand, and the other one interwine his fingers with mine.

" I fetch you afterwork. We need to talk " As he hug me.

Yes. He hugged me. In front of the workers.

My life officially ruined.


Ps // Enjoy !! 💕

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