Chapter 10, Beers and Tears

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Arthit was already in the fridge getting an armload of beer, he teased Tat, "Your not old enough for beer are you? He handed one to the young man, furrowing his brow, he joked, "No driving."

Wad came up behind him and apologized for having to leave early. He said he had to get the car back to his sister, that she would need it in the afternoon. Turning to Wad, Arthit pleaded with him to stay. Kongpop heard the discussion and went into the kitchen to help Arthit convince Wad.

"Please stay,  Arthit has made a beautiful lunch,  he's really a great cook,  Wad,  please."  

It was clear,  by his look, he had no intention of staying.  He had been quiet all morning, even in the car.  While he was driving,  Arthit asked if there was anything wrong, Wad completely avoided the question.  

Arthit already noticed that Knot was also quiet when he arrived,   He stayed that way while all the boxes were being shuffled about.  Arthit looked at Kong,  raising his eyebrows and shrugging his shoulders,  he let Kong know that he didn't get any answers from Wad.  

It was actually Kong that brought it up in the first place.  He was talking with Arthit on the phone the night before,  he told him that he felt something wasn't right with Wad and Knot.  How Knot had seemed off since last weekend's trip.  Arthit was surprised to hear it,  the last thing he saw of them,  they were walking away with their arms around each other.  

Knot was a good friend,  surely if there was something bad he would have talked to Arthit.  He knew that Knot had made it his personal mission to keep Wad's spirits up since Prem left for Canada the last time.  He also knew it hadn't been easy.  Wad was suffering terribly without Prem and it had definitely been a long time since he'd returned to Thailand. 

Their suspicions were proved right when Wad made his goodbyes.  Everyone hugged him,  excepting the one person everyone expected to get hugged,  Knot.  Arthit thanked him for the help and the use of the car.  Arthit offered money,  Wad forced a smile and refused the cash,  "Anytime P'Arthit,"  he made a polite Wai to everyone as he left.     

Their farewell was an awkward wave to each other,  at a distance.  An odd silence fell over the group when Arthit closed the door behind him.  A weird frenzy of glances and questioning faces but,  no one spoke about the elephant in the room.  Nong'Tat looked a bit confused by the aura around the group but he too remained silent.  Knot especially,  he changed the subject,  in a soft voice he asked Kong if he wanted help unpacking the boxes.  

"Sure thanks,  Knot."  Kong used a light-hearted tone,  hoping that with Wad gone,  Knot might return to himself.  With that,  Arthit got busy unpacking books and putting them on the shelf.  Aim helped Kong take the clothes on hangers to the bedroom and place them in the closet.  Kongpop pointed to a box marked "bedroom" and asked Tat if he could bring that along.  

Being Arthit & Kongpop. from SOTUS the Series  Book 1 of 3Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu