Easter Special

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"Shhhh it's okay sweetie, it's okay. Calm down now." His mother cooed to the baby. "It's okay no need to cry."

Stoick frowned and plugged his ears, remembering fairly well that babies would cry for hours on end. Lyra had proved that and Tormund said his parents couldn't even sleep because she was so fussy. Would Dany be just as fussy?

Stoick walked back to the couch with a book tucked under one arm and his ears plugged before he sat himself on the seat away from the screaming baby and attempted to read. His parents had already left the room to go calm her down, but Dany's cries could still be heard.

He heard a whine and looked up to see Shattermaster and Striker sitting next to the sliding glass door. Stoick got up to open the door but was stopped by Astrid.

"We can't let the dogs in right now, we're not sure if Dany can handle the fur flying around so the dogs have to stay outside." His aunt said quickly shutting the door.

"Why?" Stoick asked.

"Since your sister is premature, she's a little weak and more sensitive to things. So we got to make sure she's kept healthy." Astrid explained. "You were the same way when you were a baby."

"This sucks." Stoick said making a face.

"It does, but we couldn't help it that your sister decided to come a little early. She's just as impatient as your father sometimes." Astrid said leading him back to the couch with his book.

"Just needed a diaper change." Dagur said walking into the room with the baby cradled in his arms. "Wanna hold her Stoick?"

"No..." Stoick said looking at the twitching bundle nervously.

"Come on, it won't hurt to hold her for a few minutes." Dagur said sitting down on the couch and patting the seat beside him. "Besides, we wanna get the Easter family picture today."

Stoick climbed onto the couch next to his father and sister as his mother came in wearing her new Easter dress instead of the big shirt and denim skirt she had been wearing earlier. She sat him on her lap and carefully smoothed down his messy red hair.

"Next baby better have my hair, I'm surrounded by gingers." Kari joked when she pulled a blade of grass from Stoick's hair.

"Not happening babe." Dagur chuckled and adjusted his hold on Dany. "Most likely not happening."

"Okay, say cheese!" Eugene said whipping out his camera.

"Cheese!" Stoick yelled and his parents laughed as Eugene snapped the photo.

"And one more with the little man in his old man's lap with the little princess in her mom's arms."

"Who are you calling old?" Dagur said giving Eugene a scowl as he switched kids with his wife.

"You because you're getting grey hairs." Astrid chuckled as Dagur's hands flew up to his hair.

"Oh hush, he's still got plenty of red hair." Kari scolded as Dany wimpered and started to move in her blankets. "And hurry, she's getting fussy."

Eugene snapped two more pictures before letting Kari hurry out of the room to calm her daughter.

"Can I open my eggs?" Stoick asked his father.

"Go ahead, just don't eat the candy yet." Dagur answered. "We're going to Jack and Merida's house later for the party and you need to have room for the food."

"Can I give Dany something?" Stoick asked his mother.

"Sure kiddo, what is it?" Kari asked.

Stoick climbed off his father's lap and ran over to his egg basket and dug around inside before picking out an egg and tucked it under his shirt. He hurried back over to his parents and pulled the egg out and held it out to his mom.

"I found this in the flower bed and I thought Dany would like it. I think the Easter Bunny really did bring this one since it's not plastic." He said as his mother took the egg from him.

It was a simple blue egg with purple and gold dots scattered on it. Kari looked at her son in surprise and looked at her husband.

"Don't look at me, I didn't paint that. I scattered plastic eggs through the yard."

"And judging by the feel of the egg it's made of clay." Kari said handing her husband the egg.

"Well now we know we can safely place this egg in her room without worrying about it breaking." Dagur said with a shrug and gave his son a smile. "I think this was the best gift you gave your sister."

"I still have to give her her Christmas present and Valentines day card." Stoick pointed out.

"Well you can give them to her later. We have a party to attend to and show off your sister to the world." Dagur said rising from the couch.

"You always show off your kids on Easter." Kari chuckled.

"It's expected of me babe." Dagur chuckled and kissed her cheek.

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