"X-x Clan?"

"Ah.. Monsta X is also knowed as X Clan outside, you know back in Wonho hyung's kingdom." Taeyong explained, Hwayoung just kept quiet.

"Guys! We are here!" Jackson said and both of thier heads turn towards the house which was filled with loud noises.

"Looks like it.." Hwayoung mumbled, Jackson already ran inside, leaving behind Hwayoung and Taeyong.

"Let's go in." Taeyong said, Hwayoung following behind. As soon as Taeyong twisted the doorknob, both of them were in utter shock. It was a huge place.

It's like a club. The lights were in blue and purple. In Hwayoung's eyes, people were dancing in slow motion.

"Do you want me to stay here?"

"It's okay, go and find your friends. I'll probably do something to kill time." Hwayoung said ans Taeyong nodded then straight away leave to find his other friends.

The smell of weed is really strong. But it didn't affect Hwayoung at all, maybe because she already went to parties alot of times.


Hwayoung suddenly stops on her tracks. Her whole hairstrands stands up, hearing it's voice. This time, the voice was really clear, it's as if the person is whispering to her.

"I miss you."

Her eyes went watery by now, recognizing the voice. Wonho.

Hwayoung quickly close her eyes, then opening it. Her eyes suddenly widen to see the familiar figure, standing alone. He was just standing ther, staring at her intensely.

"What the.."

Her surroundings were people dancing, just enjoying themselves, but her vision was only Wonho standing afar, smiling at her.

Hwayoung quickly frowns then shaking her head slowly, she then started to retreat back. All she wants to do is go home.

Hwayoung managed to escaped from the dance floor, making her way to get out of the house. She keeps looking on the floor while running away, until she hit onto someone.

Hwayoung was about to fall but the person grabbed her. "I'm sorry-- Minhyuk...?"

Hwayoung looks up, to see a red head guy. She then realised it was Minhyuk. She looks at him in detail, he was wearing a white suit and a red blazer, his eyes were glowing red, his hair was being styled gorgeously, making her to stare at him in awe.

"What are you doing here?" Hwayoung said, it barely came out as a whisper. Minhyuk just stared at her, holding onto her.

Minhyuk raise his hand slowly, going towards her eyes then covering it, making Hwayoung to suddenly blacked out.


"Holy Shit!"

Hwayoung opens her eyes, sitting up while breathing heavily.

"You scared me! You just woke up in a sudden!" Jackson was at Hwayoung's side. Hwayoung looks around realising that she was in her apartment. She then looks at herself, she was still wearing her party clothes.

"What happen?" Hwayoung frowns, trying to remember.

"You passed out." Taeyong out of nowhere answered, as he came into her bedroom.

"I passed out?! How...?"

"Jackson found you, outside, you were sleeping while kneeling, your jacket was covering you." Taeyong explained. Hwayoung felt strange as she can't remember anything. But she knew herself that she didn't touch any alcohol.

"Okay..." Hwayoung mumbled while trying to remember anything.

"This is strange, I can't remember anything." Hwayoung said to herself, but deep inside, she knew something must have happened.

immortal love // monsta x [ DISCONTINUED ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora