1) Introduction

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         ~fourteen years ago~
         Enchanted Forest
A farmer and his wife run through the woods. A man chasing them. Not just any man though.

    The man was the Dark One.

  They ran through the trees as fast as they could with a manic bean and a bundle of clothes. Hidden in the clothes was a new born baby. Only about a day old.

    The child was so small. So innocent.

   Your probably wondering why the Dark One was chasing them. Well, it's because they made a deal. A stupid deal. One the farmer had forgotten about.

   He made a deal with Rumplestilskin, that if his farm would grow crops to an unbelievable extent, he would have to give up his first born child and his horse.

   The horse was an easy trade and so was the child, because the horse was old and his wife was thought to be infertile.

But when his wife got pregnant he was so happy he forgot about the deal. That was until the Dark One knocked on his door this morning.

Now, the farmer and his wife run with there daughter. Trying to bring her to safety.

The farmer and his wife threw the bean to the ground and the Dark One caught up to them. He grabbed the wife by the hair and turned her into a tree.

The farmer through the infant into the portal. As he turned to wood he yelled, " I will find you Cassidy! I love you!"

    And as final breath he gave he turned fully to wood. Two new trees now stand in the woods. So close people know that they weren't planted. So close people know it has a story behind it.

   ~in the World Without Magic~

  A baby lies near a river. Crying and cold. It was nothing but a necklace and  a torn up cloth.

   As a man nears the water with his fishing supplies he sees the child. He grabs the small infant and brings her home to his wife. The wife took in the child and raised her as her own, along with her three boys.

    The little baby grew to a girl. And that girl grew to be a teen.

  Although the girls 'parents' loved her, she felt unloved, betrayed, and hurt.

  ~fourteen years later~
(Cassidy is 14 almost 15)
Cassidy's pov

I walk into the room and find my best friend,Ella, and my boyfriend making out.

"What the hell! Ella...Nick! H-How could you," I cry as my my friend and boyfriend betray me and kiss again.

This isn't the first time its happened. Every friend I've had since pre-K has betrayed and hated me for no reason. Every boyfriend I've had tells me they've been cheering on me or do it until I find out. But this. This has gone too far.

"Ella, you know what I've been through! How could you put me through more. And Nick! I thought you loved me," I say as tears flow like Niagara Falls

"I don't love you. I never did. I mean...who would love a lost little girl. Nobody," Nick says and walks away with Ella latched on him like a leach.

I fall to the floor and sob. Not for a hour, but for the whole night.

I cry for being stupid. I cry for being abandoned. I cry for being unloved. I cry for my heart.

No more friends. No more boyfriends. Down with the fields and up with the towers.

I won't trust anyone again. Not even myself.

~Fifteen years ago~

    "Pan, you are dying," the dark shadow whispers

" what? Is there a way to stop it," The young immature boy asks

   " yes. Three actually. One; you find a girl and get her to love you, don't fall in love with her. And the second she says I love you, you rip out her heart and crush it.
Two; you find a girl. Get her to love you and when she trusts you. You kiss her. Make her feel loved for the hour then You break her heart. Send her away. Betray her do whatever you can.
Three; find a girl. You BOTH fall in love and then when you say I love you it will poison her.
Which do you want," the shadow states.

"The second one," pan answers

" ohh you don't wanna kill anymore after years of killing,"

"No. I still kill. I'd just rather see her face break when I send her away," pan announces proudly.

" fine. Just don't fall in love too. It won't end well," the dark figure says before disappearing.

" don't worry. Peter Pan never fails! I believe," the young boy said before flying away.

    Hey guys so this is hopefully gonna be a good story

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Hey guys so this is hopefully gonna be a good story. I've written mostly the whole book and just have to publish the chapters. Hopefully you like this book. If you do. Please vote and comment. Thx.

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