28. Vampire

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At 8 am I got out of my room and bought some food from the innkeeper. She was calm. Lurbuk's death is still unknown.

"An adventurer, eh?"

The redguard innkeeper asked. I smiled and handed over the key of my room.


"Well, adventurer or not, it is weird someone like you visits such miserable town as Morthal."

"It is still one of the holds. I like to travel from hold to hold. Even Morthal has something to offer."

"Oh, really? Like what?"

"A warm inn."

I said and hoped she'll stop talking and shut her mouth before I do that. It's strange how people easly annoy me. That wasn't the case before.

She smiled and I stared going towards the exit. But she stopped me again.

"Hey, some man was looking for a young woman here. He described her as a young girl with silver eyes and golden, reddish hair. I would say the description resambles you, but still I haven't told him about you. I didn't want to disturb you. I hope I didn't do something wrong..."

"What did he look like?"

"Strange. Small, red hair and a jester's hat. Like a caricature. His voice was annoying and scary. I hope he won't return here."

"Thank you."

"Oh, you're welcome! If anything ever brings you back to Morthal, stop by for a drink!"

Chilly air pinched my cheeks and nose. I walked down the stairs, not looking at the figure right next to the entrance.



"Why are you here?"

"The Listener told me to follow you."

"So you are spying on me? Checking every step I make?"

"Not exactly..."

"Oh, please."

"Frais, I didn't want to do that. My duty is to obey Morpheus, but every member has right for privacy."

He was suddenly standing next to me. He grabed my hand. I felt something cold touching my skin. I looked at my palm to see my necklace in shape of dragon. The one I sent to Menro.

"Please, don't let emotions prevail. Don't let yourself fall into a trouble."

He said with a sad voice. I grabed the necklace and put it in my pocket. Allie was waiting at the entrance to Morthal. I walked to her.

"That's none of your business."

He followed me. I soon recgonised his brown, a little lighter horse right next to mine.

"So, where are we heading?"

He asked me in his usual, cheerful voice. Great. Now I can't get rid of him.

"Half-Moon Mill. Target is Hern. Rumours say he and his wife are vampires. That might be tricky. Or not."

"So Falkreath then?"

I nodded. I didn't look back to see if he follows me. I could hear his horse galloping.


It was a long way to Falkreath. We had to stop by and let our horses rest, but in the end, we managed to reach the Half-Moon Mill at sunrise. And that is what worried me the most. Vampires are stronger at night. Much stronger. How will we take him down before he kills us?

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