"I can do that," she said confidently and when Camila looked over at Lauren she could see her girlfriend beaming at her with shining eyes and Camila knew instantly that Lauren was very interested in the topic the younger girl had been given.

"Lauren and Camila's duet will be free reign and Fifth Harmony or as I'm gonna call you to save time, 5H!" He said clapping his hands, "You will be singing Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas is You."

The girls clapped and cheered, smiling at one another and already excited for their assignment, but Normani surprised them all by raising her hand. "Do you think Dinah and I could sing Baby It's Cold Outside?"

"Sure, why not," Mr. Rinaldi said writing it down as the bell rang. "Ally could you stay behind for one minute, I would like to talk to you about something important."

When the girls left with the other students, they gave her one last confused glance and she just shrugged her shoulders, Ally remained seated looking up at her teacher who was still writing on the board. "Did I do something wrong?" Ally asked and Mr. Rinaldi let out a laugh and turned to face her. "You haven't, no. I will explain it all to you in a bit, I am just waiting for Mrs. Thomas to show up so we can speak to you together."

Ally just nodded, she had no idea who Mrs. Thomas was, she had never heard the name before and to be completely honest she was very concerned, even more so when a slender woman in a pantsuit with short curly hair walked in, she was in her 50's, but her eyes were young and her smile was almost non-existant.

"Ally Hernandez?" She said reaching out her hand for Ally to shake. "I'm Mrs. Thomas, I'm the director of studies at The Stage Door and I would like to speak to you about something very important, I've been looking over your transcripts and your application and-"

"Oh my Gosh, please don't tell me you made a mistake and I have to go back to Texas, because I really like it here," Ally said nervously.

"That's exactly what we were about to tell you,"Mr. Rinaldi said to her as Ally's eyes widened in shock and when he could see she was about to cry he spoke quickly. "Joking, that was a joke. Admittedly a bad one, but it was a joke, you're not leaving school."

"Mr. Rinaldi," the woman scolded shaking her head before turning back to Ally. "Actually Ally I was looking more at your grades, you are remarkably smart and according to your teachers you are very much ahead of your class, I would like to fast track you. It would mean a lot of homework, but I think you could make it work. Instead of coming back for your freshman classes after winter break you would move into Sophomore classes and then next year you would be a junior. You're supposed to, by age be a Junior now am I correct?"

"Yes but I was-"

"I am aware of the situation, I've read your file. You don't have to fast track, I understand you have friends in the grade you're in, but the option is there if you want to take it," Mrs. Thomas said getting up from the desk she was sitting in beside Ally. "Take a few days, mull it over, talk to your parents and let me know."


"Ally, come on," Normani whined as she rolled over on Lauren and Camila's bed so she was facing the girl. "Just tell us what that lady and Mr. R were talking to you about, it looked serious!"

"Did you murder someone? Did you get a Hogwarts letter!?" Camila whispered yelled with wide eyes. "Wait, you're a vampire aren't you?"

Ally just shook her head and looked at Lauren, "You need to start censoring the books she reads."

"She has a mind of her own," Lauren laughed leaning her head up and off Camila's chest to place a kiss just under Camila's chin.

"Dinah, what Beyonce song are you gonna sing?" Ally asked changing the subject and Dinah just hummed and shrugged. "Alright then, Mila you got any ideas for the song you wanna write?"

The Stage Door (Camren/Norminah)Where stories live. Discover now