Ch. 48

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Simon's POV

"hey how did go?" Josh asks me as I come in the door to the house

"I don't want to talk about it" I just tell him as I go strait to my room

"what happened?" Ethan calls up after me as he, Tobi, JJ and Josh follow me up the stairs

"I don't want to talk about it" I tell them again as I get into my room and lock the door behind me, I don't want to talk to them, Harry just freaked out and I feel so bad for him, I sprung it on him to fast, I feel like shit, I just ruined our friendship, probably for good, I don't know if I can come back from this.

"Simon, open up" Josh calls through the door as he knocks on it

"I don't want to talk Josh, I just made everything worse and I don't want to talk about it right now"

"you don't need to talk, but do you need some company?"

"I just want to be alone, I need to think"

"Simon, don't do this, don't shut us out, last time you shut everyone out and it made you feel better when you told us what was going on, don't do this again, I don't wan to see you hurt"

"just go away Josh, I'm not ready to talk about this, let's just say that it did not go well, and Vikk will probably tell you all about it when he get's here, so what is the point off me talking" I tell him as burry myself in my bed, I don't want to get up today, I'm going to post the video's that I made ready for the day and then just take the hole day off, I need a brake from everything, I'm to upset to film, and I don't think I can focus on the editing that I need to do, so I'm just not gonna do anything and just take a sick day, I decide to post in on twitter, so no one will be mad at me in the morning if I don't post anything

@miniminter – a bit sick today, but so I'm not going to be filming anything today, sorry everyone

"Simon, I'm gonna order in, do you want anything" Ethan calls from outside the door

"not really"

"you need to eat, and I wont make you talk, I will even pay for you and leave it outside your door, just please eat something" he tells me and I just think about it for a minute

"thanks Ethan" I call back

"so is that a yes?"


"OK just text me what you want, because I'm just gonna go there, they always get my order wrong through the phone" he tells me and laughs, Ethan's laugh always makes me smile, it's so genuine. I know I can't stay in here forever, but I just need to take a brake from the world, and the guys, I need to take a brake off thinking about Harry all the time, I just need a brake. But I don't get one, we need to decide when we are going to play the Charity game, and if we are going to move it, we need to tell them today. I text the guys that we need to decide, and as most off us don't want to move it, it will be on the 3rd off June, and that is in just 3 weeks, Harry will be able to attend, but I'm not sure if he can play. 

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