Ch. 4

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Simon walked through the hospital corridors after a nurse that was acting as a guide, he was kinda nervous to see Harry, he had been so scared on the field, he did not want to put Harry though more pain than he was already in. not just his memory, but he was also in pain because off the head injury that he had gotten in the accident, Simon hoped that the memory thing would go away with the concussion, but that was unlikely. 

"just in here, he should be awake, or just about to wake up, but don't hesitate to press the bell if he starts to get scared, OK" she said to Simon as he made his way into the room and then he took a seat next to Harry, just waiting for him to open his eyes. 

It took Harry just over 10 minutes to open his eyes, Simon wanted to hold his hand for comfort as Harry was moaning out, he looked like he was in pain, but Simon also did not want to freak him out. Waking up with a stranger holding your hand is not ideal. Even though Simon was not a stranger, he was in Harry's eyes right now.

"Harry, can you hear me"


"what do you remember?"

"a football field, and an ambulance"

"nothing before that?"

"no, just strangers telling me something, I don't know"


"who are you? And how do you know me?" Harry asked after getting his head together for a bit.

"My name is Simon Minter and you live with me and 5 off our other friends. We have been friends for almost 3 years now."

"how old am I?" Harry asked

"you are 19"

"and how old are you?"

"23" Simon said (April 2016)

"and what am I doing? Am I in school, or am I working?" Harry asked, Simon was glad that he was asking questions, he was a lot calmer now than he had been before, but to be fair it had been a lot to take in at once. He just hoped that this would not be to much for him to handle at once.

"you actually are a youtuber"

"what? What is that? What is youtube and how do you become a youtuber? Does that make money?" Harry asked, very confused.

"Well actually yeah, You and me and the other 5 that we live with are all youtubers, we are in a group and we call ourselves the Sidemen. You actually have just under 7m subscribers" (again it's April 2016)

"what does a youtuber do?" Harry asked again

"you make video's, mostly about the video game FIFA, and you are very good at making video's"

"so I play this FIFA game for a living?" Harry asked, he looked so confused, Simon felt like he was explaining youtube to an 80 year old who did not know anything about the internet.

"Yes, pretty much, but you make good money out off that, you actually drive a Lambo"

"really, is the money that good? Off all thestrange things in the world" Harry laughed, Simon was so happy to see himlaugh, It was nice, hopefully that would continue.     

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