Ch. 32

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"what was that about?" Harry asked confused, he thought it was more likely that the others knew what was going on than he would.

"I honestly have no idea" Tobi said as he looked at Harry, his eyes wide in shock at what just happened, Simon had never acted like this before,

"maybe he is just stressed, relax" JJ told them, but he had a feeling that this was because off Simon's and Harry's secret relationship that Harry now did not know about.

"did I do something wrong?" Harry whispered

"I don't think so, It could have been any off us" Vikk told Harry who just nodded.

"don't take this personally Harry, you have not done anything wrong" Tobi said as he hugged Harry

"but what if I did?" Harry asked

"let's just finish cooking, Simon will talk to us when he is ready to talk" Vikk told them and both Tobi and Harry got back to it, but the dance party was over, no one was in the mood anymore.

"I'll go and talk to Simon" JJ said as he stood up

"don't you want to eat first" Ethan asked as JJ stood up

"It wont take long I think, just save me some" JJ smiled and went up the stairs to talk to Simon.

"Si, can I come in" JJ asked as he knocked on the door

"yeah" Simon whispered as he had his head buried in his pillow

"what was that about?" JJ asked


"I already figured that out, but let me ask you again, what was that about?"

"I just don't know how to act around him, I'm in love with him and just a few days ago he was in love with me to, but now he just does not know that and I feel like he does not want me anymore"

"but he does not know that you are or where together"

"I know, but I just want him back and I can't tell him, I don't want him to hate me"

"he will not hate you, this is Harry that we are talking about, he could never hate you"

"do we know that for sure?" Simon asked

"listen to yourself Simon, snap out off this" JJ said to him in a harsh tone

"snap out off it, really?" Simon said as he was now standing up and facing JJ


"I can't, I just want to grab him in my arms and kiss him, I just crave his touch and waking up next to him in the morning, seeing him smile and laugh with me, I just want him back, I want him to be mine again, but I don't know if that will ever happen and it hurts, I'm heartbroken and Harry does not even know that he is doing that to me, and I just can't tell him right now, he has been through so much and I don't want to add another thing to the list, I want to give him a brake, but that is hurting me so badly. I don't know if I can do this JJ"

"you can, but not like this, this is not helping you in any way"

"I know"

"come downstairs, they have made dinner and we should all be down there and just talk, like we were used to, no drama"

"I don't know if I can stay that close to him right now, he is all that I think about"

"you will be fine, If you get to emotional then just give me a sign and I will ask you if you are up to filming something, you have made it very clear that you are behind on video's, so no one will question that"

"thank you JJ"

"for what?" JJ asked confused,

"for being such a good friend" Simon said as he hugged JJ. 

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