Ch. 14

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Ethan walked into Simon's room, he was recording a video, Harry was no were to be seen, thank god as Ethan needed to talk to Simon about this alone, they had to figure this out.

"Hi Si, how long do you have left?" Ethan asked

"like 2 minutes, I'm almost finished with this FUT draft"

"how is it coming?" Ethan asked

"189, I can't seam to get it over 190, and it's pissing me off!" Simon laughed

"when you are finished we need to talk"

"what about?"

"you know what about" Ethan said

"I really don't" Simon said shaking his head

"Harry, we need to talk about Harry"

"what happened?" Simon asked, his face full off worry

"he and JJ agued before, in the kitchen"

"what? What did JJ say, for god sake, I'll just finish this later, I need to go and talk to Harry" Simon said as he auto completed his squad and then he quickly signed out.

"Now tell me everything" Simon demanded

"well, we were downstairs, and the pizza just arrived, and we were just down there talking and laughing, then Josh told us that he was going to get Harry to have him join us. Then we were just laughing and making fun off youtube challenges and that sort off stuff when Josh and Harry walked in, then we went quiet, and let's face it, that was a mistake. Then JJ asked if Harry had posted this online yet, and Harry got a bit annoyed by the question, and then it went to shit, JJ told Harry that he should make more effort to get to know us, Harry got upset and told us that he does not even know us, and that we should be the one's making the effort, he does not trust us, I can just tell," Ethan explained

"what was JJ thinking, he can't say that to Harry"

"well JJ believes that he is right, he thinks that Harry should be trying more"

"he is recovering, everything is so new to him, we just have to give him time and support him through it, yelling at him for not making enough effort is just going to set him back even further, I have to go and talk to JJ" Simon said and he looked pissed

"Tobi is already on that, and I believe Josh went with him, not to sure about that though"

"Harry just needs to know that we care, that is all he needs"

"I know Simon, but he does not trust us, he only hangs out with you" Ethan said

"that is because I've made the effort to do so, he is allowed to be a bit sensitive right now, and he is right, it should be you lot making more effort with him, he is the one that is struggling, he is the one that is going through it all, and then JJ just yells at him and makes him feel even worse than he is already feeling, he already feels like an outcast here, now he probably feels even worse"

"Simon, don't make things worse, me and Tobi are going to fix it, we are going to make him see sense, don't start a fight" Ethan begged

"to late, I need to give him a peace off my mind" Simon said as he stormed out off his room. 

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