Ch. 45

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Simon's POV

"what is going on then?" Harry asks me, I don't know how to start this conversation, this might be harder than I thought it would be. I just sit down in his bed in front off him, I want to take his hand so badly, but I don't think he wants that right now. He looks a bit scared and I don't want him to be scared off me, that is not what I want at all.

"so, when you injured yourself the first time I was there with you in the hospital, I took care off you"

"OK?" Harry said and he just looked confused

"Harry, let me finish, this is not easy for me" I say

"sorry" he whispers

"so, I know you don't remember any off this, but when you came out off it again you only wanted me, you trusted me and only me, you would stay with me most nights because you were scared or you were in pain, and I grew to love it, like a lot, It felt so good to be needed. But then something else started to happen"

"so you miss the version off me that was out off it and did not know anyone but you?" he asked, he looked a bit hurt and that was not what I wanted at all

"no, it's not like that at all"

"I don't understand what you are saying" Harry tells me and I can clearly see that he is getting a bit upset

"please don't get upset" I tell him as I grab his hand, but he brushes me off, he is clearly not ready for that.

"did you prefer that version off me, is that it?" Harry then asked me, I can feel this is not going to go well. 

"no, Harry, I love every version off you, it just felt so nice to be needed, and yes I do miss it, but not the taking care off you part, I miss having you there all the time, I miss laying in bed with you and just talk or watch films,"

"so you want me to be hurting so you can take care off me?"

"no, I'm not saying that"

"can you just tell me what you mean, I don't remember so you can't hint at it like I will just magically remember everything, it does not work like that" Harry then yells at me and Vikk comes rushing into the room

"Vikk, it's OK" I tell him

"no it's not, I don't want to talk to you" Harry tells me as he has started to cry

"Harry don't, I need to tell you this, I need to explain"

"explain what? How you loved it when I was helpless and injured, you loved taking care off me and now that I don't need to be looked after 24/7 you feel upset?, or because you want to have my by yourself?" Harry yells at me

"that is not what I meant at all, just let me finish"

"I don't see the point, just get out"

"Harry, I need to tell you this, I need you to listen to me for just a moment, please just let me tell you what I came to tell you"

"no, I'm done with you, I don't want you here" Harry starts to cry as he yells at me and the nurses are now there and they want to push me out because I'm making him upset and he is apparently not in good enough condition to handle things like this.

"Harry don't do this"

"just go Simon"

"Harry, I'm in love with you, that is the only thing that is bothering me, I fucking love you and I can't hide it from you anymore, I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU"

Trust Me (Minishaw)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora