Ch. 34

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"I thought Harry was going to join in, where is he?" Josh asked as Vikk finally joined the skype call

"he was not up for it?"

"why?" JJ asked

"he got a headache, he was just gonna go to bed" Vikk told them

"is he OK?" Simon asked showing more concern than he was intending to do

"yeah, he is just gonna go to sleep, he will probably be fine in the morning" Vikk smiled as they started there GTA session. But Simon was worried. 

They were making a lot off noise and as JJ's room was next to Harry's and the walls were not to thick so Harry could hear everything, he had trouble falling asleep, and his headache was growing more and more, to the point where he just wanted to cry out as he felt so bad, he wanted to get up and get some pain medication as he was feeling so shit but as he stood up he felt so dizzy that he just laid back down, he did not want to faint again, he did not want to lose his memory one more time, two times was more than enough and Harry was so scared and worried about what was going on, but that was just making him worse. In the end he just gave up on standing up and buried himself in his bed, picking up his phone and calling Vikk, who was still recording with the others.

"hey wanna come in and join" Vikk said as he put Harry on speaker as he was using both hands on the controller

"Vikk, can you please come" Harry cried out

"what's going on?" Vikk asked

"I feel so bad, I'm so dizzy that I can't stand up."

"what?" JJ asked as he heard like everyone else heard what Harry had said

"can you please bring me some pain meds, I can't handle this" Harry just begged

"I'm on my way" Vikk said as he stood up quickly and Simon did as well, running down to the kitchen to get Harry a bottle off water and Vikk went to Harry's bathroom and got his pain meds before he came into Harry's room to find him buried under the pillow so there was no light near him, he was crying out in pain

"here you go, can you sit up?" Vikk asked as he helped Harry sit up slowly, but Harry still felt so dizzy

"try to drink some water with this" Simon said as he walked into the room, and he just sat down next to Harry, holding him up while Vikk helped him get the pills and made him swallow them, the rest off the guys were there as well, just watching on, trying to figure out if they should do anything or not,

"just lay down again" Simon told Harry in a sweet voice as he helped Harry lay back down and he just stroked over his back

"just try to relax and fall asleep, I will stay with you" Vikk said as he put a blanket over Harry

"I'm fine"

"don't even try that, you called me crying, about 2 minutes ago" Vikk told him

"I will be fine when the pain killers kick in" harry moaned out

"I'll stay until they do" Vikk then said

"No, I will" Simon smiled and Vikk just nodded as Simon was sitting next to Harry, just stroking over his back as he tried to calm the younger boy down who was still in pain, and he was clearly a bit scared

"are you scared?"

"I don't want to lose my memory again" Harry cried out

"we will deal with that if it comes to it, just close your eyes and try to fall asleep, I'm here with you OK" Simon whispered and he continued stroking over Harry's back until the younger boy had fallen asleep. 

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