Ch. 10

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Harry's POV

Simon and I walk out to the car together, I look around as we are driving out off the driveway, I should know this place inside out, but I just don't. I need to start getting to know everything again, and everyone, the only one that I've gotten to know is Simon, he is being so nice to me, I like the guys, I've not spoken to them to much, but I like the look off them, and the video's that I have seen so far off us as a group, I like the chemistry that we have together. I don't know why I feel the most comfortable around Simon, It's just like a connection that I can't explain.

"can you tell me something Simon" I ask as we are driving on the highway

"yeah what?"

"what am I like, as a person"

"you are a nice person"

"no, I mean, what am I like, am I happy, am I shy, what personality trades do I have"

"you are quite shy around new people, and you are a bit insecure, like you always think that people don't like you until they tell you otherwise, but once someone gets to know you, you are very fun to be around, you always want people that you are with to be laughing, and you are really smart, you actually took your math test a year early, but you dropped out to focus on youtube when you were 17, and that is when you moved to London. You are a very loyal person and you are very forgiving, but you do speak your mind, you don't let anyone bully you into anything."

"am I close with my family?" I ask, I have not heard anything from them since the accident 

"well, they were not happy about you dropping out for youtube, so you don't talk to them much, but you want to be close with them again, you also have two siblings. Rosie and Josh"

"and what do I enjoy doing?" I ask

"you enjoy a lot off things, you enjoy spending time with your friends, you love playing video games, you love eating, you just generally love life, you are always happy, It's not often that you are upset or in a bad mood, but once you get into a bad mood, then god help us all, you have quite a temper on you, as you have probably seen in a few off your video's" Simon laughs, I just smile, I love how Simon talks about me, he really does care about me. Then we are at the mall, I just look around, knowing that I've been here a lot off times before, but like everything else, I just can't remember it.

"why is this our go to store?" I ask

"don't know" Simon answers honestly

"OMG, IT'S HARRY AND SIMON!!" someone screams behind us, we turn around and three girls come running, I just stare at them, as they are running up to us I grab Simon's hand, I'm not sure how to act, what the hell is going on.

"OMG, WE LOVE YOUR VIDEO'S!" they all say at the same time,

"thank you" I say, not sure what I should do, this is completely new for me.

"can we take a picture!" the ask and Simon looks at me, as if he is asking me if I'm OK with it, and I just nod, then we take a picture, and they are asking us all sorts off things,

"do they know, about my memory?" I whisper to Simon as they keep asking me stuff that I should probably know

"No, we have not said anything online about it, maybe you should do that when we get back" Simon suggests

"maybe" I say as I just smile at the girls, not really sure what to say so I just don't say anything, we then get the shopping done and run into some more people that know us, this is all so surreal, I'm not sure what I should do, or how to handle myself.

"so does that happen every time that you go out?" I ask Simon as we get back into the car

"not all the time, but yeah, some days there are more people than other days, but I like it, I like meeting the fans"

"I just feel like it's strange, that technically they know me better than I know myself, but that goes for everyone I think" I say looking down

"are you OK?" Simon then asks me

"I just want to remember, I just want to remember who I am and not relay on video's and pictures, I just want to know myself" I say

"I get that, you are going to remember, I am here for you, whenever you need me OK" Simon tells me as he takes my hand

"thank you Simon, that really means a lot to me" I say as I smile at him.

"your welcome, now let's get home again"

"do you mind if we drive around for a bit, I just want to see London, maybe I can remember something" I ask

"sure, we can do that to" Simon smiled as we started driving


I know he is close with his family in real life, this just fits the story better 

Trust Me (Minishaw)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora