Ch. 27

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"everything is so confusing Si, what's going on?"

"does anything hurt?" Simon asked

"my head, I don't understand" Harry said as he was starting to breath very fast

"calm down Harry, take slow deep breaths OK, we will get to the bottom off this, together OK" Simon told him as he took his hand and he helped Harry calm down, it took him a few minutes, but it worked, Harry was just laying down and breathing with Simon, he was still very confused and he did not understand what had happened, he was convinced that he had fallen, yet Simon told him that he had fainted and that he had hypothermia

"how are you feeling? Still cold?" a nurse asked him as she walked into Harry's room

"yeah, what's going on?"

"you got very lucky that this guy found you in time"

"but we were together when I fell?" Harry asked confused and the nurse just dragged Simon outside to figure this out, as his story and Harry's were not adding up, Simon told Harry that he would be right back.

"what is he talking about?"

"I think he remembers everything up until the first accident, I think he reset himself if that is the right word" Simon said looking down, if Harry really did not remember the last month that meant a lot off things, were they even together, they where together, but Harry did not know that, Simon found this very overwhelming himself, he did not know how to act, he had no idea what he should say to Harry or how he would say it.

"I'm back" Simon whispered as he walked into Harry's hospital room, Harry just nodded slowly, he was slowly but surely waking up more and more and he was not as confused.

"what is going on Si, why is everyone acting so wired?" Harry asked Simon

"the fall that you are talking about happened a month ago"


"you forgot everything, you did not know your name or anything about your life"

"and that was a month ago?"

"yes, you were getting everything together after that, but we pushed you to hard and you ran out off the house, and because off the head injury you were not really allowed to do anything physical and you fainted, and because off that you restored your memory's up until a month ago when you did fall"

"so I lost all my memory's and then got them back, only to lose the last month?" Harry asked as he was crying, he found this very hard to deal with

"It's gonna be fine" Simon told him grabbing his hand 

"why was I so stupid?" Harry asked

"you are not stupid, you were emotional, and you have every right to be, but it's going to be just fine, we will get through this together" Simon tells him as he just hugs Harry, helping him calm down, he was not going to tell him about there relationship yet, that would be to much for him to handle today, even if it was braking Simon's heart. 

also 88 reads in about 36 hours on the last chapter!! that is mad! 

thank you all so much!! <3 

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