Ch. 12

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It had been 2 weeks since the accident had happened, Harry's head was mostly back to normal, the headaches were almost gone and the bruising around the injured aria had almost faded away. But now it was time to go to the hospital to get another CT scan, they were going to see how the swelling inside the brain was doing, if it had gotten any less, or if it had stayed the same.

Harry hoped that the swelling was going down, It did not hurt him, he just wanted to remember his life, that was his main concern, he did not know what was going on. But the doctors had told him that they were going to figure this out, and Harry really hoped that they would.

"are you ready to go?" Simon asked Harry as he had offered to drive, Harry trusted Simon the most out off the guys, they were all lovely, but there was just something about Simon, Harry did not know what it was, there was like there was something special about him.

"yeah, just nervous" Harry confessed

"there is no reason to be nervous, we are just going to find out what is going on and then we will go from there OK" Simon told him as he smiled

"I know"

"and look on the bright side, you are going to get a 45 minute power nap inside off the CT machine, and I just have to wait for you, I'm going to be bored out off my mind" Simon laughed

"that's true! Although I can't move, I'm not sure they will drug me up like last time"

"well you never know" Simon said as they walked downstairs to put there shoes on

"good luck Harry" Josh shouted from the kitchen

"thanks Josh" Harry called back

"call me when you know anything" Josh called after them

"will do!" Simon called back

Then they drove off to the doctor's.

"show me some songs that I like, I want to get to know my music taste, see if I still like it or if the past me had crap taste"

"sure" Simon said smiling as he put on JJ to confuse Harry

"what is this, isn't this JJ?" Harry laughed as he heard Friends with Benefits (I know it came out in June/July 2016.. allow it fam)

"damn, you were not supposed to figure it out!" Simon laughed

"you can't trick me you bastard!, but this is actually a tune!" Harry yelled back as he turned up the radio.

Let's go deep into a world, that only we can see

They can't touch us, they can't judge us cause we're crazy young and free

It's not me troubling you

It's not you troubling me

Can I trust you not to love me?

Let's be FWBs



We sing at the top off our lungs, then we drive into the hospital parking lot, and as we are getting out off the car, Harry just stops.

"what's wrong? Are you OK?"

"yeah, I had some sort off a flashback, or something, I don't know what it was"

"tell me, what happened? What did you remember?"

"I remember someone hitting me with a pillowcase, and I was all covered in something sticky, I think it was the Nerf challenge video that I did with JJ" Harry said and smiled

"you remembered something" Simon smiled

"yeah, I guess I did" Harry smiled back

"now, let's go see this swelling, it must be going down if you are having flashbacks"

"a flashback, I've only had one"

"and let's hope more will follow" Simon smiled as he hugged Harry, then they walked into the hospital where they had to wait for the doctor to call Harry, he was going strait to the CT scan and then he would chat with his doctor, to see what was going on and what would happen next

After waiting for almost 40 minutes, Harry was finally called in, he was getting pretty tired and that was all good as he had to lay perfectly still for 45 minutes so the CT would get clear pictures.

"good morning, are you ready?" the doctor asked as he came to get Harry from the waiting room


"follow me and let's get this over with, OK" thedoctor said and then Harry followed him, but Simon stayed behind, he now justhad to wait for Harry to come back, an when he did, he had gotten good news, the swelling was going down at a nice rate, and there would most likely not be any lasting brain damage. But Harry was still not allowed to drive or play any sports, he would have to wait at least 2 more weeks to start that. But today was a good day.

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