Ch. 19

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When they got home the boys were all in the living room, waiting for them to get back.

"Simon, Harry, can you both come here a second?" Tobi asked as he guided them into the living room

"what is it?" Simon asked, he looked annoyed, I guess he is still a bit mad at JJ for what he said earlier.

"we just want to chat" Tobi said holding up both hands, like he meant no harm.

"common, hear them out" Harry told him as he took his hand and nudged him to the living room, Simon clearly did not want to talk to them tonight.

"hey" JJ said as he stood up

"ready to apologize to Harry?" Simon shot strait out

"I don't have anything to apologize for"

"you are actually so think headed JJ, it's unreal, how can you not see that you were in the wrong" Simon told JJ

"he does not have to apologize, It's fine" Harry said in an attempt to calm everyone down

"no, It's not, he hurt your feelings, you are not ready to tell everyone what happened and you don't have to until you are ready" Simon said to Harry as he was shocked by what he had just said

"but that is the thing, I don't know if I will ever be ready" Harry whispered

"why is that?" Vikk asked concerned

"I don't want to let anyone down"

"you are not letting anyone down, what are you talking about?" Simon asked him

"It's just stupid, I don't understand why I need to tell anyone, I don't owe them anything, I know I should feel like I do, because I know I do owe my subscribers everything, but I just don't know If I want to do that anymore"

"are you quitting youtube?" Tobi asked, as everyone was staring at him confused

"I don't know, I just know that I'm not ready to talk about this yet, and I find it so strange to be in front off a camera and just film things, I don't think I'm good enough for it"

"but you are, you have the next highest subscriber number out off everyone here so people see something special about you, you just need to believe it as well, because you are very good at what you do"

"well you tell me all off this, and I know that it's right, as I have seen it on youtube, but that does not feel like me, I don't feel like I'm that Harry, I changed, and I don't know if I can go back, I don't know if I will ever remember, and I can't change how I feel, I just don't want to do this, I just want to be me, I know you all want the old me back and are pushing me towards that, but I don't know, I just don't know if I can go back" Harry said as he started to cry, and he got hugged by Simon and then Vikk and Tobi.

"what do you want to do?" Ethan asked him as he had calmed down in a few minutes

"I don't know, I have to figure it out, I just need time"

"we can all give you time, right" Tobi said looking at the other guys, hoping that they would all just nod there heads and tell him that he would be OK, he wanted to go back to normal, but that was just not possible at this time.

"we will not force you to do anything, just take your time, we will all be here for you when you decide what you want to do, OK" Vikk said as he smiled, he just wanted to be there for Harry, he needed people around him who were supportive and looking out for his best interest.

"wanna watch your favorite film?" Ethan asked as Harry had calmed down.

"I'll order the pizza" Josh said as everyone gathered around the TV to have a cozy evening. 

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