Ch. 38

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Simon's POV

The ambulance took forever to get there, at least I thought so, I can't take my eyes off Harry, he just looks like he is sleeping, but he is out, and I'm so worried about him. He has been having the worst time during the last few weeks, he has been so sick and his head is taking him around in circles, I've been doing some reading at head injury's can take a lot off time to heal and he can't push himself to much, but he has been trying to do more stuff lately and maybe that is coming back to bite him.

"Simon, are you OK?" JJ asks me, he knows how worried I am about him, I know all off us are worried about him, but I feel like I need to be there for him, I need to protect him and I need to stay strong for him. He is mine and I want him to be mine, and I need to tell him that, It might ruin our friendship, but I will just have to deal with that if it comes to it, because I have to tell him, I'm going to tell him when he wakes up, I don't care if everyone will know, I need to do it, for me and for him. 

"Si, what are you thinking?" Ethan asks me as I just stare at Harry and stroke over his hand

"I just need him to be OK, nothing else matters"


"he just looks so fragile and young" I whisper

"he will be fine, he just needs some time" Josh says, I'm not really sure if he is talking about me or Harry, and right now I don't even care, I just need to stay with my boyfriend.

The ambulance crew come in to the living room and take a look at Harry, I get told me move out off the way and I just nod and do so, I don't want to be in the way off him getting the help that he needs, even if I really don't want to let go off his hand. I need to do so.

"can I come with him in the ambulance, I don't want him to be alone if he wakes up" I ask

"yeah sure" they tell me and give me a soft smile, I just smile back and Vikk hands me the bag that he packed for Harry,

"thanks Vikk"

"just be nice to him when he wakes up" Vikk tells me

"what do you mean by that?" I ask confused

"no offence Simon, but he thinks you are mad at him" Vikk tells me


"he thinks you are mad at him for something that he did, he thinks he did something to offend you during the time he does not remember"

"shit" I just mutter to myself as I just nod, I never wanted him to think that I was mad at him, I'm not, it's not his fault that he does not remember any off it, or our relationship, but I am hurt about it, I now have another reason to tell him about our little secret, I just don't know how he will react to it, but I guess we will just have to wait and see about that.

"is he on any medication, or are there any injury's that we should now about?" the paramedic asks us

"yeah, he got a severe concussion almost 5 weeks ago, and he lost all his memory, he then fainted 9 days ago and got hypothermia, he got all his memory back, except the time between the accident and the fainting, he got a bad headache yesterday and he was still feeling dizzy this morning" I tell them

"what about medication?"

"these are all the medications that he is on"Vikk tells them as he hands them a bag with Harry's headache tablets in them and his sleeping pills,they just nod and write down everything that we have told them, then they putHarry on a gurney and get him to the ambulance, I just follow them out there,and I get to sit beside Harry and I just hold his hand the entire time that ittakes us to get to the hospital.     

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