45. Leaving All My Problems at the Door [edited]

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Being in Texas was not like it was before.

I shook my head as I walked into Aunt Mae's house as JJ ran over to me.

I smiled down at her as I picked her up. "Morning little peach."

JJ hugged me when I saw Jared sitting at the breakfast bar with Thomas next to him while Mae was working on breakfast.

Jared glanced back at me as I put JJ in the chair with Thomas. "You are home."

I kissed Thomas on the top of the head, "Yea, I just went for a walk."

"You went for a walk?" Jensen snorted at me as he walked into the room.

Mae glanced over at him, "Jensen, I told you last night that she was fine."

Jensen looked at me, "You just walked away from here last night?"

"Jensen, I said enough." Mae shouted at him.

I looked over at him, "You don't know the last time I walked into this house that I had your family calling me names and telling me that I was worthless! That I needed to go back to the trailer park that I came from. You are so out of it that you don't understand the pain I feel when I walk through that front door!"

Jared glanced up at Jensen as Genevieve walked into the kitchen with Shep and Finn.

Jensen shook his head back at me, "That's the past, I think you need to get over it."

I looked up at him as did Jared and Genevieve.

"I mean really, that was a long time ago. You just need to get over it."

Genevieve crossed her arms, "Jensen, you don't just get over those things."

Jensen glanced back at me as I looked over at Mae.

"Victoria, don't do this." Mae stepped toward me when I shook my head back at her.

"I will see everyone later." I walked over to Finn picking him up as Zeus followed me out of the house.

Jared shook his head, "Jensen, go after her!"

Jensen looked at the door as he just stood there.

Mae grabbed his arm, "She has done too much for you that you will never understand!"

Jared glanced over at Genevieve, "Please go stop her."

Genevieve nodded her head as she went out of the house.

Mae glanced back at Jensen, "Please don't ruin this relationship."

Jensen narrowed his eyes back at her.

"Hey Victoria, you got company." McKenzie nodded her head.

I glanced over my shoulder as Genevieve came running down the street to me. "Just get the car started."

Genevieve ran up to me as Aspen got into the car with Finn and Zeus while McKenzie went back into the house.

"I'm heading home."

"You can't do that." Genevieve looked at me.

"I'm heading home Genevieve." I looked at her.

"You can't leave Jensen right now." She looked back at me.

McKenzie walked out of the house with the last bags.

I shook my head as I grabbed for the door, "I will call when I think I should call."

Genevieve looked back at me, "Jensen doesn't understand what you are doing."

"The second he starts remembering why his family hates me, is the second I'm gone for good anyways."

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