43. But I Will Never Change [edited]

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I looked over at Jensen as he waved the smoke away from him.

I glanced up as Adalynn was standing infront of me, "The fuck was that?"

Adalynn glared down at me, "I was called about her location."

I glared back at her, "You mean Danneel just fucked her over for what?"

Adalynn looked over at me, "I am just saying that we were called about her location."

I shook my head back at her, "You put me in this place and then you rush it like some coke house?"

Adalynn just looked at me.

"You can fuck over anyone you want, but you will not do that shit to me." I snorted back at her.

Adalynn shook her head, "You will not talk to me like that!"

I glared back at her, "You will not walk into my house and talk to me like that! You will not fucking attack my family and get away with it!"

Adalynn straightened up as I walked over to her.

"How dare you do that shit to me and think that I would be ok with everything, you could have killed one of us! You could have hurt one of the kids!"

Adalynn just looked at me.

I grabbed her by the neck and pushed her back against the wall, "You are not welcome in my life. I don't care how much you think you know about my world and how much you think you belong in it, but you are fucking nothing to us. You are nothing to us."

Adalynn pushed me back as I looked back at Jensen.

Jensen walked over to me as did Zeus.

I glared back at Adalynn, "You are gonna regret everything you have done tonight."

Jensen looked at me as I went out of the room.

I pulled up to the house as Jensen glanced over at me, "Was that smart going off on Adalynn?"

"Jensen, if you had brought Finn or JJ they would have been in the middle of that. Would you be so calm so right?"

"If I had the kids with me and they rushed in, I don't think any of them would be standing up." Jensen looked back at me.

I smiled back at him, "Now you see why I freaked like I did."

Jensen looked back at the house, "It's been empty without you."

I tossed the keys over to Jensen, "I know."

Jensen shook his head back at me as we got out of the car.

"I just wanna see Finn."

Jensen smiled at me, "He probably wants to see you more."

I laughed back at him as Jensen unlocked the front door.

Jensen glanced back at me as Zeus walked into the house. "Are you ready for this?"

"I just wanna see my son." I laughed as I walked past him into the cold, dark house.

I stopped as I looked at the empty walls, "You haven't put anything up?"

Jensen looked back at me, "No, I haven't been doing much of that."

I pointed at the empty bottles over the fridge, "You been doing a lot of that?"

"You died, I dealt with it."

I nodded my head back at him, "Clean those up while I go see my kids."

Jensen looked back at me as I went up the steps.

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