51. There'll Be Peace When You Are Done [edited]

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"How come last time Mommy went away I could still see her but this time I can't?"

It had been two weeks since the award ceremony and two weeks since she was taken from them.

Jensen glanced back at Finn as he was standing in his little suit looking at himself in the mirror.

Finn looked back at Jensen with a confused look on his face.

His mother was actually gone this time.

She was really gone.

Jensen looked up as Adalynn walked over to him, "You have to save her."

Adalynn grabbed Jensen by the arm, "I'm sorry about what is going on."

Jensen stepped back as several guys with guns strapped to them walked in with a body bag. "Adalynn, what is going on?"

Adalynn grabbed Jensen's face, "You can't do this."

Jensen looked at her.

"You can't break down. You can't crumble like before. They are gone this time. McKenzie won't be there to help you. Aspen, son of a bitch, she is gone after turning on Victoria. I can't have you breaking down on Finn this time. You can't do this to him."

Jensen glanced back as they were taking her body out.

"You have to prove to him that you are gonna be his father through everything."

Jensen smiled down at the toddler, "You are gonna see her again. I don't know when or where but you will see her."

Finn glanced around Jensen as JJ came to the door in her little white and black dress that Genevieve had picked out for her.

Jensen turned around and looked at his daughter, "Hey princess."

Finn smiled at her as she walked over to him, "You look pretty."

JJ put her arms around his neck, "I love you Finny."

Finn closed his eyes as tears came down his little cheeks.

Jensen glanced over at the door as Genevieve was standing there with her head dropped.

Jensen got up and walked over to her, "They just went to each other the night I walked in the front door. It was like they knew."

Genevieve looked over at Finn, "He watched men walk into his father's house and kill the people that were hired to kill him."

Jensen shook his head, "That kid shouldn't have witnessed that."

Genevieve cracked a smile back at Jensen, "He was brought into this world by her bloodline and his bloodline will on carry on what Victoria was supposed to have carried on."

Jensen slammed his head against the wall, "I just wanna see him happy again. I wanna see both of them happy again. I mean JJ lost Danneel and now Finn lost Victoria. They need a mother in their lives."

Genevieve glanced down at them, "They will do ok. I did pretty well without a mother."

"Genevieve, you know what I meant."

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