7. Your Words in My Head, Knives in My Heart [edited]

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It was early that next morning when Jensen found himself standing outside with a sleepy toddler and a dog that really had to go to the bathroom.

A few people passed him on the sidewalk with some rude glares while a young lady smiled at him, "Cute family."

Jensen smiled back at her as he watched her walk down the sidewalk.

Zeus growled up him.

Jensen nodded his head as they went back into the apartment to get dressed for the day.

When Jensen entered his place, he heard his phone going off. He looked down at the unknown number.

"Hello, you have Jensen."

"Sorry to bother you so early but we are at the remodel and we can't get into the house."

Jensen glanced over as he saw the key on his side table, "Fuck, listen give me like 20 minutes and I will be there to let y'all in."

The guy didn't sound happy as Jensen hung the phone up and looked down at his daughter that was in the floor playing with Zeus.

"We gotta move! We are gonna piss this guy off even more!" Jensen scooped JJ up as he grabbed her diaper bag then the keys from the side table.

"Zeus come on!" Jensen shouted back at him.

Zeus ran out the door as Jensen was running for the elevator.

At the house, Jensen looked back up at the deck as JJ and Zeus played in the back yard letting the guys do what they needed to do in the house.

Jensen glanced down as JJ was laughing as Zeus would run back to her and touch the ball just enough to make it move.

Jensen narrowed his eyes as the back sliding doors were tossed open.

Zeus stopped playing with JJ as he looked at the person walking out to them.

"Can I help you?" Jensen asked the girl.

"You are working on the house?" She asked him.

"I'm here because of McKenzie." Jensen said back to her.

"Nice to know she is still in the picture." The girl looked at the deck. "Did you do this?"

"I was asked." Jensen snorted back at her.

Zeus started to growl at her as Jensen stepped infront of his daughter. "You mind telling me who you are."

"I'm Ali, I am the sister of the person that lives here." She glared over her shoulder at him.

Jensen nodded his head, "I heard about your father, I'm sorry about that."

"Yea, real shame about that."

Jensen narrowed his eyes at her.

Ali looked back into the house, "Kinda funny that McKenzie got you to do all of this."

"What do you mean by that?"

Ali glared at him, "I mean the fact that McKenzie did this for my sister."

Jensen looked down at his daughter as Ali walked back toward the doors.

"I'm heading out now, have fun." Ali shouted down to him.

Zeus was still growling as she was gone.

Jensen rubbed the top of his head, "Calm down man, she is gone."

JJ reached up for Jensen as he picked her up from the ground.

"That was for sure something different."

This Is War [Edited]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin