30. This Is How I Show My Love [edited]

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On the outside of Vancouver in a gated community, Genevieve Padalecki closed the door as the youngest, Shep Padalecki, was finally sleeping in his bed.

She went down the back steps toward the kitchen when she saw the back door sitting open.

Genevieve slowly stepped down on the marble of the kitchen floor as she looked around for someone in the house.

She went for the door when she felt something against her head.

"I don't have any money."

"Shut up Genevieve."

Genevieve turned around as she saw me standing behind her with Zeus at my side. "What are you doing here?"

"I came back to check on something."

"You mean Jensen."

"Don't fucking start that shit with me?"

"You walked away from him. You walked away from this." Genevieve snorted at me.

"You wanna go there with me?" I looked back at her.

"No, I don't and neither should you. That was another time. That was another life."

I shook my head back at her as I put the gun on the kitchen island.

Genevieve looked up at me, "When I heard the explosion, I freaked. I thought you were all gone. I just sat in the floor crying with Finn in my arms."

I looked over at her.

"I thought I had lost him."

"Jared is not gonna die that easily."

Genevieve smiled back at me, "How is Finn?"

"Hidden deep with some Marshalls watching his every move."

"Sounds kinda boring."

"No, he loves the attention." I laughed back at her.

Genevieve smiled back at me, "At that age, they really do love the attention."

I nodded my head as I glanced back at her, "So How is Jensen doing?"

Genevieve nodded her head back at me as she took a moment to put her words together then looked back at me. "His little drinking habit isn't just on the show anymore. Jared said that he is drinking more and more each day that sometimes he comes to set completely drunk."

I shook my head back at her, "Me leaving and Danneel taking JJ, that isn't what he needed. That isn't what anyone needed. But my life isn't that easy. I have too many demons chasing me."

"You got out and you tried to make a life for yourself. That isn't your fault." Genevieve looked at me.

"But I brought Jensen into it."

Genevieve just looked at me, "Can I ask you something then Victoria?"

I glanced up at her.

"Why did you really come back?"

I just looked at her.

"I mean you were good at what you did but you left. You left after one job that touched you. You walked back to your son. You walked back to Vancouver. But why did you do that?"

I glanced over my shoulder as the front door clicked shut.

Genevieve looked up as Jared made a turn toward the kitchen.

Genevieve glanced back down as I was gone.

Jared looked over at her as she was looking around the kitchen like she had lost something, "Hey, are you ok?"

This Is War [Edited]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz