11. So Tell Me What You Want To Hear [edited]

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The dinner was not as bad as one may have thought as you just gotta get people drunk and they forget the conversation at hand.

I glanced up from my phone as Aspen sat down next to me at the bar, "Rough time?"

"I can't believe you can drink like that." Aspen said rubbing her forehead.

"I did 3 years in Russia." I looked back at her.

Aspen nodded her head back at me when I heard Genevieve telling the kids that they would have fun with the nanny while the adults were away.

Jared sat down next to me as he saw the beer infront of me, "Another one, really?"

Aspen pointed at him, "See even he is questioning you right now."

"Oh shut up Aspen." I said to her as I finished up my beer and Genevieve and Jensen sat down at the bar with us.

"So Aspen where are you from?" Jensen pointed at her.

Aspen pushed her sunglasses up on her nose, "I'm from Huntington beach, California."

"You are a beach kid?" Genevieve asked her.

"You meant spoiled, white girl from the beach." I blurted out as I went through my missed calls.

Aspen nodded her head back at me, "I do remember your ass having some money too when we used to go out."

"I got that money from other means." I said as I walked away from the group to listen to the call from the random number.

"Enough, I have a pounding headache." McKenzie snorted at us.

Aspen nodded her head back at me, "I really hate this feeling."

I deleted the call as I walked back over to the group.

Jensen glanced up at me, "Everything ok?"

"Yea, you wouldn't think a new phone would get random calls but it does."

Jensen nodded his head at me as I ordered another shot from the bar.

Jared glared back at me from the other end of the bar, "You can handle a hostage situation, and so what does that mean you actually did before this?"

"She trained in hand to hand combat and close combat." Aspen blurted out.

"I was the person then sent in when everyone else came out in body bags." I looked back at him as I took the shot of what tasted like tequila which meant that I was gonna be feeling that one later.

Jensen looked up at me, "So what was with that girl today at the convention? I mean she just did that without any warning. It was really an eye opener when it comes to these things now."

Genevieve nodded her head back at him, "Kinda makes me think twice about bringing the boys."

"No, your boys are fine. That was a onetime thing. She was out of her mind. She had been battling some stuff since a long time ago." I said back to Genevieve.

"So what that thing about her brother and your unit..." Jared glanced back at me.

I nodded my head as his face rushed through my memories, "His name was Xavier. He was sweet but he was young. That youngness of him really got to him. It really took his ego and just made it something that it shouldn't have been. He really pushed the buttons when it came to jobs and that last time it didn't end like it should have."

"You said that you were in a place that you shouldn't have been, what did you mean by that?" Jared asked me.

"The government of that country did not want US forces on their soil so we had to go in without them knowing but since Xavier was killed, everything just went wrong."

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