39. And Tonight, It's Only You And Me. [edited]

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After the wrap party, Jensen stood at the end of Finn's bed when McKenzie walked past the door with a beer in her hand.

Jensen glanced back at her, "All this time I thought maybe I couldn't be a good father."

McKenzie looked over at him.

"I see JJ and I think that I am doing ok but what do I do when she grows up and asks about her mother?"

McKenzie handed the beer over to him, "JJ needs the truth. She needs to understand that her family is doing everything to protect her."

Jensen glanced back at her, "What can I do about Finn?"

McKenzie shook her head back at him, "Victoria left knowing that Finn will be in good hands. Never think that you can't be his father. You are his father in his eyes and to the world. Don't fuck this up now."

Jensen watched as McKenzie went out of the room while Zeus remained at his feet. "Watch over them tonight Zeus."

Zeus looked up at him as Jensen went out of the room with the beer still in his hand.

Jensen went down the steps when he stopped at the kitchen door. He glanced over at the fridge when he saw the newly placed photo.

He walked over to it as it was a photo of Victoria and Finn by the water.

Jensen took the photo down as he looked around the house.

He looked down at the photo knowing that it had to be McKenzie that placed this photo or the alarms would have went off.

Jensen put the beer down as he hung the photo back up on the fridge.

He went out of the kitchen and looked down at the master bedroom door that was shut.

Jensen walked down to the door and pushed it open as it was black but he could see the outline of the boxes that he had yet to go through.

Jensen flicked the lights on as it was box on top of box in the room.

Jensen shook his head as he went into the room.

"Jensen, you have so much shit!" Victoria laughed as she pulled out another box of clothes in the storage unit that Jensen had after his split from Danneel.

Jensen looked over at her. "I went from a 5 bedroom house to a one bedroom loft. It has been hard for me."

Victoria looked back at him, "I don't know you did this."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know how you were just able to walk away from someone that you loved for so long."

"I think it was my accident. I mean I barely knew her but when I saw JJ, I was ok. She was the only person that I could love."

Victoria glanced back at him, "You are ok with all of this?"

Jensen stopped and looked at her.

"It's a big step moving out of your first place Jensen. I mean when I moved into my place without my parents or sister, it was insane. But at the same time, I couldn't wait to just sit infront of the TV in my underwear and eat some pizza."

Jensen smiled back at her, "You gonna do that with me?"

Victoria smiled at him, "Maybe."

Jensen glanced down as he came to a box, "I don't remember this box."

Victoria looked over as she saw the logo on the outside of the box, "Hey, why don't we go out and grab some food?"

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