20. Just When I Could Run This Race No More [edited]

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After the event, Jensen walked right toward me as reporters thanked the guys for a great time. Jensen looked right at me as McKenzie nudged me.

I nodded my head back at her, "I will see you in like 10."

McKenzie glanced over at Jensen then smiled, "I will see you in like 20."

Genevieve smiled as she went out the door with them as Jared had gone out the back way.

Jensen shook his head back at me, "I thought I would never see you again."

"I didn't wanna come back. I just wanted to get back home and stay there."

Jensen looked at me.

"My mother told me that I was being stupid. That just because something bad happened doesn't mean I have to stop living."

"How is your mother?"

I looked at him with a smile, "She is good. She is just getting busy."

"That is always good."

I smiled at him, "Yea that is the best part."

Jensen smiled back at me, "What else did she tell you?"

I laughed back at him, "Listen, I came back to just have some fun. Us, that is a just something you keep thinking is gonna happen."

Jensen looked at me as his smile faded.

"I know McKenzie probably told you that I left to protect you."

Jensen nodded his head back at me.

"And I did, I have some bad people from my past and I don't need them knocking on your door when you have JJ. My life is dark. My life is crazy."

"I love crazy." Jensen smiled at me.

I looked back at him.

"I'm gonna be ok. We may not be perfect but I will be ok with whatever you want this to be."

I shook my head back at him, "They aren't crazy exes they are trained killers."

Jensen grabbed my hand, "I don't care."

I narrowed my eyes back at him. My second chance.

I smiled back at him as I put my arms around his neck as he leaned into me.

Jensen pulled me into his body, "Giving anything a chance worth fighting over is how you should live. Pain is pain but life is a great adventure."

I smiled up at him as his lips found mine.

I knocked on McKenzie's door as I looked back down the hallway at the door that was opening at the end of the hall.

McKenzie was looking back at me as she pulled the door open.

I walked into the room with Zeus at my side as Aspen was out on the balcony.

I glanced back at McKenzie, "Did you touch anything?"

"I unwrapped it. I saw the blood and when I lifted the top, I saw the heart."

I glanced down at the little box as it was covered in blood.

I glanced back at her.

McKenzie shook her head back at me.

I grabbed a fork and used it to open the box.

I closed my eyes.

It was a human heart.

It just wasn't a random human heart.

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