21. NewOrleansCon [edited]

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Press is press there is nothing you can you do when you are working on a popular TV show that has been on the air for more than 10 years.

Jensen glanced over at Jared as it was question after question about what the new season was going to be like.

Was there a chance that anyone new would be on the show?

Jensen leaned back as Jared took the question, "There is always new people. There will always be new people as there is always new cases. It is just something that always happens is that we get new people and new storylines. It's just how the show works."

Jensen looked at the door as their new manager was on the phone about something.

Jared pointed at Jensen, "He actually has been working with a new trainer so his fight scenes can increase."

Everyone in the room looked back at him.

Jensen sat up as he shifted in the chair, "I have been working with someone that really can help me just increase my chances of making a fight scene look more natural and of course just help me completely."

Jared put his arm up and flexed his muscles.

Jensen laughed back at him, "Yea, I'm trying to catch up with that one."

Jared smiled back at his friend.

It was the end of the event as Jensen went over to the bar at the hotel to order himself a drink.

"Been a long day," she smiled over at him.

Jensen nodded his head at the random middle age lady that was pushing a drink over to him.

Jensen looked back at her, "You don't need to buy me a drink."

"It's already paid for." She smiled back at him.

Jensen glanced up at her, "You don't have to do that."

"Listen Jensen, I think you need to rethink you and Victoria."

Jensen glared back at her, "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Victoria Sykes was born in Romania. She has a long and very dark past about her. She also has a very personal thing about her that she has yet to talk to you about."

"Who the fuck are you to talk to me about her?"

"I know Victoria very personally and I would think you would know that walking into her world means you put a target on your back. You also place a target on your daughter."

Jensen glared over at her, "You don't know shit about my daughter."

"Justice Jay Ackles born to Danneel Harris and Jensen Ackles. They were longtime friends before becoming very good friends. You married a two years before your daughter was brought into your world. You love her because she is the only thing you have in this world because of your situation."

"Leave my family life out of this." Jensen turned to her.

She smiled back at him, "Just know that I will be the one that will answer anything you need to know about Victoria or any of the other girls."

"What do you mean by that?"

She smiled back at Jensen, "I know more about Victoria than you will ever know. I know that right now she is back at her mother's house looking at her mother's dead body. I know that she will soon start to think about the little guy that she left behind a few years ago."

"Her mother isn't dead..."

"You should call Victoria." The lady got up from the bar with a smile on her lips.

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