42. The Bittersweet between My Teeth [edited]

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Later in that week, Jensen glanced up from his coffee as JJ tossed her food over at Finn.

Finn laughed back as he threw food back at her.

"Hey stop that!" Jensen said to them.

JJ looked at Jensen when eggs slammed into the side of her face.

Finn laughed at her as the eggs hit the floor.

Zeus walked over to them and started to eat up the food.

Jensen rolled his eyes as he went over to them, "I said enough!"

Finn looked up at Jensen as he slammed his coffee cup down.

JJ sunk down into her chair as Jensen looked back at them.

"I told you both to stop and you didn't!"

Zeus looked up at Jensen and growled.

"Shut up Zeus!"

Zeus kept growling at him as Jensen walked around the island.

Jensen went to grab him when Zeus stepped back still growling.

"Hey, is everything ok?" Genevieve asked walking into the house with Jared behind her.

Finn glanced back at Jared as he reached out for Jared to take him.

Jared picked up Finn as Thomas and Shep ran into the room.

Jensen shook his head as he went out the back door.

Genevieve picked up JJ, "Jared, you need to talk to him."

"I know." Jared kissed Finn on the forehead as he handed him over to Genevieve.

Genevieve kissed Finn on the forehead, "They are gonna be ok. You are gonna be ok."

Zeus sat down on the floor as he looked out the back door at Jensen and Jared.

"Dude, what is going on?" Jared asked walking up next to Jensen.

"I can't do this anymore. I can't be a father to two kids. I can't be the one that shows them what way to go through life. I can't do this anymore."

"You mean you can't do this without her."

Jensen looked over at him.

"Dude, I can see it on your face. You miss her."

"Of course, I do. I have her son in my house and I don't have her. I want her back."

Jared looked over at him, "I wanna talk to you about something."

Jensen glanced back at Jared, "What?"

"I think you need to know something about Victoria."

Jensen faced Jared when Genevieve walked out the back door, "Jared, we need to leave."

Jared glanced back at Genevieve, "Right now?"

"Yea, right now." Genevieve shouted at him.

Jared shook his head, "Listen just go to his address and everything you know will be changed. All of your fears will be faced and all of your questions will be answered."

"Where am I going?"

"You are gonna go get answers about Victoria and her death." Jared said handing over the little piece of paper.

Jensen looked up as Jared was going into the house.

Jensen looked down at the address as it was to some run down building on the outside of town. Jensen glanced back as Zeus was next to him looking at the building.

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